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I wake up a few hours later and it's dark outside and I'm alone in Harry's room, I get up shakily and go to find the boys.

The house seems empty though and I can't find them anywhere, I start to worry. What if they left me? What if they don't come back. They probably realised what a fuck up I am and they decided to leave, I'm so fucking pathetic. The house is dark and eery with no one home and my thoughts get the better of me and once again I find myself throwing up in the downstairs bathroom. Why can't I be good enough. I centre myself, brush my teeth and exit the bathroom, I decide to sit at the kitchen bar stools for a while just thinking.

How am I supposed to go back to school now, how do I face everyone after what happened. The uneasiness in my stomach returns and I just want it to stop. Suddenly I hear the front door open and Harry and Edwards voices, they walk into the kitchen and freeze when they see me.

"Baby" Harry says and he strides over and cups my cheeks, he stands in between my legs and kisses me.

We pull away and we stare at each other.

"I thought you left me" I whisper.

"Never sweetheart, we.....we had to go take care of some things" Harry tells me.

I look towards the sink and see Edward washing his hands, blood coming off them, I take a closer look and see his knuckles are bruised.

"What did you do?" I ask scared out of my mind as I stand up and back away from them both.

Edward turns around, dries his hands and sighs, he looks me in the eyes.

"What we should have done a long time ago" Edward responds.

"Did you hurt someone?" I ask shakily, I swallow thickly my throat is still so sore.

"We did what we needed to do" Harry says.

I feel my chest rise and fall rapidly, Harry and Edward just hurt someone badly, I hate this so much. They can be so nice one minute and lethal and scary as shit the next.

They both look on concerned and walk towards me, I step back and they stop.

"Baby, you are safe with us, we will never ever lay a finger on you" Edward tells me.

I look him in the eyes and know he is telling me the truth, I trust them I really do,

"Did you hurt someone for me?" I ask. I don't want them to do that, I don't want the guilt or someone being hurt.

"Let's just say Max has learnt his lesson" Harry says and I tear my gaze from Edward towards Harry so quickly.

"Whaaaat? You, you hurt mmmmaxx?" I stumble.

"It's okay darling, everything is okay now" Harry tells me gently.

Tears slip down my cheeks, I'm so exhausted and tired by all of this. Both boys come closer to me and I let them, sighing in defeat. I have fallen so hard for them both and I love them dearly, I can't stay mad at them at all.

"That's a good boy baby, you know we only want what's best for you" Edward tells me as he gathers me in his arms.

"Will he be okay?" I ask, gripping Edwards shirt.

His arms hold me so securely, Harry comes up behind me and sandwiches me in the middle, I feel so safe.

"He will be" Harry says.

I sigh in relief, at least they didn't hurt him to badly.

Edward grabs my face in his large hands and leans down to kiss me, his lips are so soft and I melt into his embrace. Harry's arms are tight on my hips and his breath is hitting the back of my neck, causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

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