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The boys end up getting me discharged two days later and I'm so thankful, I hate hospitals. When we get home it's lunchtime and Harry and Edward both lead me to the kitchen before I can run to my room.

"Lou, this is part of the deal, you promised you would eat" Harry tells me when he sees my anxiousness as I watch them make sandwiches.

"I know Harry" I say getting irritated, I'm getting anxious and the only way I know how to deal with it is through anger.

"Calm down Lou, small steps okay it's just a sandwich" Edward says.

I take a deep breath, I can do this, for them, I can do this. I tell myself, I will try my hardest not to throw the sandwich back up but deep down I know I won't be able to keep it in. I just don't want to disappoint Harry and Edward, I want to be good for them.

Edward hands me over my sandwich and I take it shakily. Both boys sit either side of me and begin eating, I break small pieces of my sandwich off and eat really slowly. Every bite sits in my stomach and I can feel the fat seep through my body already.

Both boys see how much I'm struggling and encourage me to keep going.

"Good job Lou" Edward tells me.

"Such a good boy Lou. We are so proud of you" Harry says.

It keeps me on track and half an hour later I've finished the entire sandwich,

"That's amazing Lou! Gosh we are so proud" Harry tells me.

I smile slightly

"I'm just going to lie down, I don't feel good" I tell them both.

They look at me concerned and tell me they will be up shortly. I take that as my chance and walk as fast as I can with a sore ankle towards my room. I enter and make it quick to get to my bathroom, I close the door and go over to the toilet. I kneel down and stick my fingers down my throat and bring up everything I just ate. I'm so relieved and I sigh when I'm done and rest my head on the toilet seat.

My thoughts are interrupted when I look up and notice Harry and Edward standing at the door, arms crossed and upset. FUCK! I'm in trouble, they know my secret and I'm scared. I look towards them with fear clear in my eyes.

"How long have you been throwing up your food for?" Edward asks.

I look down at my hands as I play with my fingers and I just shrug.

I hear them sigh and come over towards me, Harry flushes the toilet and they both sit in front of me on the bathroom floor, I don't look at them.

"This is serious Pidge" Harry tells me quietly.

"Why Lou?" Edward asks gently.

I sigh, I may as well tell them.

"Because I'm not good enough" I whisper.

"For what?" Harry presses.

"For you, for Edward, for my mum to pay attention to, for Max to stop bullying me. For everything!!" I all but yell.

"None of that is true Louis, you are amazing and deserve the world, whoever told you that or made you feel that has no idea about who you are" Edward says.

"You are everything to us Louis and your mum and James are just caught up with being in a new relationship, I know it's tough but you have Edward and I sweetheart and we are never letting you go no matter what" Harry tells me.

"Max, isn't even worth your time of day, he's an arrogant fuck who got what was coming to him, he is a jerk and everyone knows it. Please don't give him the satisfaction of ruining your life for his shit. You are worth so much baby and Harry and I will prove it to you" Edward says.

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