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I wake up an hour and a half later on a hospital bed, I open my eyes to see my mum sitting next to my bed and James is talking to another nurse. I go to move and that's when I notice that I'm not on the bed alone, Edward is lying behind me and my back is against his chest. I look to the side and Harry is seated next to my mum and he has hold of my hand.

"Louis?" My mum asks and I bring my attention back to her.

"Hi" I say sheepishly.

"You okay Pidge?" Harry asks, I look at him and nod.

I feel okay a little sleepy but okay, my hand is throbbing though and I look down to see my cut hand cleaned and bandaged up, It hurts like a mother though.

"It's okay, it's all cleaned Pidge, no more blood" Edward says from behind me and I can't help but blush as his hold one me tightens.

James then comes over to the bed.

"How are you feeling bud?" He asks.

"I'm okay, sorry, I didn't mean to cause so much trouble" I say.

"You didn't Louis, don't be silly, we're just glad you're okay" My mum says as she ruffles my hair and kisses my forehead. Edwards arms seem to get impossibly tighter after that.

"You needed 10 stitches, you are lucky you didn't cut much deeper or you would have needed surgery" James says.

I swallow thickly, I don't like dealing with blood or wounds or anything like that, It makes me physically sick.

"Hey don't think about it Pidge, or you'll faint again, you've gone pale" Harry says as he strokes my forehead.

"I think you might need to stay for the night Louis, you were out for a while and you did loose a lot of blood,I'd feel more comfortable if I could keep an eye on you" James says.

"No, please I don't want to stay, I just......I'm fine I promise" I say panicking a little, I hate hospitals.

"Hun, James and I need to stay overnight tonight, it would be better if you were here too" My mum says.

"Please no, I hate hospitals I want to go home, I'm fine" I say back.

"We can watch him" Harry says and all eyes are on him.

"Yeah, we can watch him, you have our word we won't leave his side the entire night" Edward says.

My mum sighs and looks towards James who smiles at my mum.

"Alright boys, take him home, make sure to come back if he feels sick again alright" My mum instructs.

"Promise" Harry and Edward say at the same time.

James helps me down off the bed and I hug my mum goodbye, before I can protest I'm scooped up in Harry's arms bridal style and I squeak.

"I can walk Harry" I say as I grip his shirt tightly in my un injured hand.

"I know, but this way I don't have to worry about you fainting and almost cracking your head open again, Edwards reflexes are good but we don't want to risk it" he tells me.

Edward must have caught me just in time before I hit the floor when I fainted.

I sigh, my mum and James are smiling so brightly as we exit the room to head home.

Once in the car Harry drives and Edward sits in the backseat with me.

"You okay?" He asks

"Yeah I'm okay, hurts a bit" I say embarrassed.

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