chapter 7

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Marwah's pov :

As he said he gave me the room next day it's a nice room i must say with purple and white walls and costly furniture settled in perfect manner in its place ...

For breakfast i had my yummy nutella with pancakes ummmm i love them ...  fatima bi made them for me .

After that fatima bi said that she has some work in  kitchen then went away from there ... so i was walking alone in the lawn ....

There are many bodyguards outside of the house don't know why ??

I think mr.Arrogant must be a criminal that's why he would need protection right? ? Even he looks like a criminal .... not really but his words and action exactly makes him look like a criminal to me .

While i was thinking about this a man in twenties was entering  into the house as if he is trying to hide something or himself i can say ..

I think he's a theif .. but he don't look like a theif instead look like the owner of safi group of institutions. ... What iam i thinking why will the owner of biggg hospitals would enter into a criminals home hiding himself....

No doubt he's a theif ... i think i should shout nooo what if he do something wrong to me noo i won't shout instead of that I'll do something else Mr.Theif ...  wait and watch .....

Then i directly went into the kitchen but no one is here were is fatima bi and other servants ? don't worry marv you can handle this i said to myself and opened the cabinet took a hard pan hmm this will be enough to show mr.thief stars.

I slowly walked towards the dinning room were he was searching for something to steal i think ...

As i was exactly back of him i raised the pan to hit him and then ....


The pan dropped from my hand and landed on the floor with a thud sound. ..

Now what oh my god he will try to harm me i thought and started shouting help help theifff theif ....i started shouting upon my lungs... then i don't know why Mr.Theif also started shouting ''theif theif helpp but were is the theif miss'' he asked me confusingly

''You... '' i replied him

''What..??''  I think he is in shock

''I thought you are the theif ...''  i tried to answer him

''What no ways how do i look theif to you and what made you think am a theif or robber whatever im so damm handsome ...''  he started complementing himself but i didn't let him complete his sentence and said

''You entered this house as if you were trying to hide something or yourself.  That's why i thought you are a theif .... you are not a theif ??then who are you ??''  I gave him the reason for thinking him as a theif. uff allah i always misunderstand people. .

''Oh my god i entered into the house without making any noise so that i would have gave a surprise to danish but i think i... ii scared you.. am sorry for that ..'' i think he got confused

''You're sorry accepted but there is no danish here i think your mistaken ... i live here with Mr.Arrogant kidnaper  ....'' i cleared him

''What seriously arrogant kidnapper haaahaa.... you know whom you're calling arrogant is .....''   He said trying to lift up the awkward situation between us

''Omg am really sorry for misunderstanding you .. ''  even i tried to change the topic

''Oh don't worry about that infact your completely right  .''  Thank god i thought to myself

''By the way ASSALAMUALAIKUM i'am Safi .... ''   whattt safi it means i was right my sixth sense is never wrong. .

''WALAIKUMASALAM Oh merai khuda aap toh sach mai safi group of institutes k owner ho (OMG your the owner of safi group of institute for real ) ....

You know iam a part of one of your institutes ....''  i said in a excited tone

''Oh really. .'' He asked

''Yess....''  i replied to him

''Then nice to meet you miss ..???''

''Marwah ..

Marwah hashyam ... ''  i proudly said my name

''Oh marwah so the girl whom dany kidnapped yesterday was you if iam not wrong ...''   yes he's right but who is dany ...??

''Dany ..?''  I asked him confused

'' my friend and your mr. Arrogant i can say ..''  he replied giggling

''So till your here I would like to give a company to you sis ..'' Seriously sis what a nice guy hmm even I'll call you bro then i thought in my mind

''Jazakallahu khair bhai'' (bro) i said

''Only if you allow me... phir pata chalaki madam pan lee k maarnai nikal padai (or else madam will again get ready wid a pan)'' i don't think he'll forget this that easily haaha

''Haahaa sorry bhai it was just a mistake.''  i said feeling ashamed for thinking him as a thief

''Relax i was just kidding. .. so from were should we start to give you a company sis ? I mean wat you want to do ..'' he asked me umm lemme think..

''Hmm for now show me this house. .'' I asked him

''Kk but its not a house its a farm house of dany ..''

''Oh''  is that so i thought

''Yes soo we have a stable here want to have tour of it ..??''  Wow how does he know that i love horses. . I think he just casually thought that.

''Wow i would love it ... '' i said feeling excited

''Lets start then'' he offered

''After you''   i said him in a playful tone for which he laughed...

Assalamualaikum guys hope you all are fine ...
So how was safi's and marwah 's meeting you guys liked it? ?
Will they be able to enjoy themselves under the guidance of Danish ... wat u think ....???
Lemme know comment below alright allahafiz..

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