chapter 25

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Marwah's pov :

My driver will drop you.... my foot ... how dare he .

He's such a ibleess .

He's trying to control me . I can see this.  No matter wat happens i won't say yes for this marriage. 

But  i can't even lie to my parents.  Allah why you showed me a white light in my dream.  Doesn't it means a yes ?

how can be I'm happy with a devil . Who doesn't even pray and he's full of himself. 

I entered into home

"Assalamualaikum" my voice obviously sounded dull .

Dad gave me an confused expression i think i need to tell him everything

"Walaikumasalam habibti were you went . You didn't even inform us before going."  I didn't even listened to wat mom was saying and said sorry while going to my room .

"Sorry mom next time I'll be careful. "

"Marwah stop right there." I heard Dad's voice

"Whats going on between you two. " ?  Mom gave as a amused expression.

"Ayesha send me my coffee in my study ." Dad ignored mom . It means he's in a serious mood .

"And marwah come with me . "

"Right now ." He said while leading to study room . I gulped and said

"Ok dad I'll just come after i change. "

"I'm waiting. " He nodded and left.

I knocked the door and dad said

"Come in"  when i entered Dad didn't looked at me and he just said .

"Sit here marwah ."   From past ten mins I'm sitting here and he's not even saying anything.  I guess today is the waiting day . From morning im waiting. 

I got up asked

"Dad why are you acting like a typical father.What's wrong?  "

He adjusted his spects and kept his file down looking at me

"What's the matter princess ?"  He asked

"What are you talking about Dad?. "  I don't know how can dad understand me so well .

"I'm asking you why are you so lost from yesterday . Don't try to fool me princess I'm your father i know everything about you . So tell me whats disturbing you ? " Curtly he asked once again .

"Really its nothing Dad ."  Dad gazed at my fingers.  I always play with my fingers when I'm tensed or when i lie .

"Is that about Mr.Khan ?  If it is you know we can say no to him  . Its not a big deal ."  like seriously is this that easy.  First i need to confess

"Umm actually Dad was a yes" .  I told him

"What yes marwah ." He didn't understood

"I mean ... i mean yesterday when i performed isthekhara . The answer was yes ." I was looking down donno why

"Really then you must b happy princess Allah is giving you a clear answer ." Dad said while lifting my face

"I know dad but don't know I'm not having a good feeling about this.  I don't think I'm ready.  "

"And...and dad i want to confess something to you . First promise me you won't be mad at me .And you'll listen to me first."  Till the time i completed my sentence my eyes had a little bit tears in it .

"Ok marwah . I won't be mad ."  He assured

"Da.....Dad i...i. went to mr.khan's office today.  To meet him . To ask him few questions which i want in my better half.  And I'm really sorry i didn't informed you  before going.  Now you can shout at me ."  I think he'll slap me . But he never did before.

"You went to meet a non mehram marwah . Its completely wrong.  you could have asked me before going i would have accompanied you . "  Obviously he shouted at me .

"I'm sorry dad it won't be repeated again ."  I said while trying to control my tears . But unfortunately one of the tear fell down from my eyes

"Better . So you found all your answers there?" Dad asked while wiping my tears .

"Yes ."

"Positive?" He asked

"Not really. " I nodded negatively

"Oh ."

"So you need time or you want me to say no to this proposal."  He said and i lifted my gaze

"What if i say no Dad ? "  I directly asked him

"Nothing princess I'll just say it to him i know he will understand me you don't worry"  seriously my dad is worlds best dad .  

After he said that i gave him a big bear hug .

"Thank you thank you so much Dad i love you love you. " 

"Haahaa my princess."  He  told

"My king ."  I replied then mom entered into study with a tray in her hands and she was shocked

"Whats going on ? " She asked while crunching her eyebrow

"Actually nothing mom Dad will explain it to you ." i winked at dad i know mom won't be happy with my decision but what to do  . I don't have other option

"Explain her in your way best of luck."  I whispered in Dad ears .

"You both talk I'll be in my room ." I left from there and i heard a big what .

"What ......"

After i entered in my room i started shouting singing and dancing

"Yes yes .....yes . Thank you so much Allah for saving me and giving me awesome parents. 

First I'll offer nafil namaz .. 

Yehhhh yeppeyyy ...."    i jumped in my excitement.

After praying i started eating my favourite strawberries.

My mouth was full of strawberries and i was concentrating on my favourite Korean drama .

My phone started ringing showing private number. 

"Assa..lamualaikum whoz this ?"  I asked adjusting my berries

"Marwah Hashyam be ready to face the consequence now you'll see the real devil in Danish khan . I'm sure you won't like it .

I'm sending your father's resignation later . So please collect it and carefully hand it to Mr.Zakir Hashyam.

You have messed with a wrong person Angel.  And you need to pay for that. 

Be ready.  "

Don't know when my phone slipped from my hand and in shock i sat on the floor tears started flowing from my eyes continuously.

What im going to do now ?  Allah help me out .

Assalamualaikum and Hii everyone. 

I'm really really sorry my sweet readers for not updating any time soon .

And this chapter is dedicated to all the fathers who loves there daughters .

For me my Dad is everything.  Comment below 😉 Do you guys also love your fathers?

Waiting for your replies. 

Allahafiz take care.  Bye .

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