chapter 41

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Marwah's pov :

I opened the door of his room ... there he was laying .

I felt like I again started breathing I sighted in relief as I saw him .

But wait how he's going to react..? Will he take me back with him ? I don't think so cuz now I'm not the old Marwah whom he can force.

He can't do anything to me .

I started walking towards the bed I heard a sound a laughter of him.

Oh god after so many years I missed it cuz he rarely used to laugh but right now he's laughing with the young nurses why I don't know.

I moved further till I had a clear view of his face where his head  was covered in bandage.

Still he was looking so dashing I couldn't control myself . He was looking like .... ahh get a control Marwah I thought to myself.

I stood beside him his gazed shifted towards me . He smiled at me a simple smile.

"Hey pretty doctor.... mind having a cup of coffee with me after I get discharge from here..?"  Is he kidding me .? He's laying on bed with a plasters on most of his body and asking me for date ?

Khadoos toh pehlai hi tha . Ab pagal toh nahi hogaya (first he was arrogant now is he mad too?) I thought to myself.

"Haaa"  I couldn't answer him I stood there astonishingly.

Dr.hayath came inside and gave me an apologising look.

"Look here we have one more pretty doctor."  He told her . He forgot he's manners I guess .

"Really. .?" Dr.hayath asked mesmerizingly.

"Of course pretty lady." He winked at her and nurses started cheering I glared them making all of then silent.

Hayath took me out with her

"What's going on hayath ..?" Irritatingly I asked her

"As we expected he is having a temporary memory loss."  No god..

"I have already checked his reports you give a look to it here."

I took the report from her hand .

His left leg was fractured along with his ribs and he had a minor fracture in his hand .

Everything will heal soon except his ribs as they take time to heal .

And coming to his upper body.  One of the nerve of his brain was damaged causing a memory loss .

Uffff how what... I'm going to do I thought.

As I again entered his room nurses left the room . 

Hayath started talking with him politely.

"Hey I'm your doctor who treated you along with her ."  She indicated me.

"I think your perfectly fine handsome just little scratches here and there. With a temporary memory loss ."  Is she flirting with my husband in front of me?

Off course she is cuz I was the one who told her we are divorced.

"So I'll ask you few questions try to answer them."  He nodded his head.

"Okay ."

"What's your name ?"

"Umm I don't remember actually."  He scratches his neck .

"Ok next question"

"From where do you belong ? "  He stayed quite

"You remember your family friends anyone?"

"Noo "

"Phone number..? "

"No"  For every question he answered no .

"Are you married?"  I asked this question infact it came out of me. He looked at me for while then answered saying.

"Yess I'm married."  He remembered me ?

"Oh so you remember that any guess who might be your wife ?" Hayath asked

"Actually no ."

"Ok then that's it you may rest your body is still very week"

"Yeah ."  We both came out of his room .

"As you can see Marwah he remember some of the things some not it happens mostly you don't need to worry just take care of him. Try to help him in recovering."

"But why didn't you said that your his wife ."

"Exwife ..."  I corrected her .

"I don't want to give him stress don't worry I'll handle things from now on ."  I lied infact I was happy  that he couldn't remember me

"Sure bye "

"Hey doctor..."  Danish smiled at me.

"Hey you can call Marwah." I told him

"Wow beautiful name just like you But it sounds familiar maybe my sisters or mom or my wife has the same name isn't it doc ?"  Your wife dumbo whom you used to tease whole of the day I thought.

"Yeah maybe ."

"So how are you feeling?"  I asked him taking out the tablets.

"Healthy as horse as you can see" he said winking at me I smiled

"You have fractured three bones had an deadly accident lost your memory still you are healthy as horse wow its good ."  He smiled sheepishly.

"Here take this pills . You can have your meal from tomorrow and don't stress your energy by talking with useless people."  Indirectly I told him.

"Hahaha why doctor do you feel jealous? Don't worry I'll talk with you also." He said laughing throwing his head back.

"So tell me doc are you married?"  My husband himself is asking me this.

"Yeah ."

"Ahh lucky guy I missed it." Dramatically he kept his hand on his heart. 

He doesn't remember the lucky guy is himself

"By the way any chance of second marriage? "  He can't be serious I laughed and said

"Shut up and sleep Danish."

Oh my god what... I have.. said.

"Wait a second what did you called me?"  He asked confusingly.

"Danish ? "

"Is that my name ?"  I nodded my head .

"Doesn't it means you know me.?"

I couldn't answer him I stayed still.

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone so here is the next update hope you guys liked it .

Lemme know in your comments below and don't forget to vote and share on my story .

Love you all for this much love.

Allahafiz bye take care.

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