chapter 6

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Danish's pov :

I don't know why I was enjoying teasing her.

i also got stocked when she said i mistakenly kidnapped her. how can i be so irresponsible

god i kidnapped an innocent .... not really she is...  I think Safi was not enough in my life that's why god sended her in my life i mean she takes after Safi to annoy me.

yeah really man its not even two hours that she has been here and look at her she's casually talking with my maid as if she knew her from past ten years... guys don't miss my sarcasm in this.

She is continuously talking from the time i have untieded her from chair .

I think i should tie her back ... but i can't do that because she really took my class for keeping tape on her mouth .

She seriously have a bad cold i guess i can tell you by seeing her red nose...

Actually she looks cute with her red nose and pink blush on her cheek makes her look beautiful.....

Ahhh whats wrong with me why the hell im getting whipped by her merai khuda madat kar meri ( oh god help me ) i prayed to myself... i think i should drop her home now but wait a sec i informed her parents that she went on a trip for 3 days from college.  What im i gonna do know? ??

That mean i have to bare her for three days . how I'll survive this three days only god knows....

She don't even want to go home i really think she's mad i mean who gets this excited when they get kidnapped man.

I was thinking this when my maid fatima bi came into my room and said ''sir mam is hungry.  She is asking for a veg burger sir . Should i order that for her ?''

''Who..... Mam ?'' I asked her confused

''That mam whom you brought here today evening.'' She replied to me..

''Oh wait a sec what she wants ?? I asked

"Veg burger ? Oh aap ne unsai puchai nahi ki kya aur kuch chahiyai fatima bi ??'' ( you didn't asked her for something more with that fatima bi )

''Puchana saab lekin unhonai kaha ki agar kuch chahiyai toh woh baad mai batadegi . Aur kaha ki mai kahan bhagi jarahi hun yahi toh huna na joe chahiyai hoga mangwalungi ...''

( yes i asked her sir she said were iam i running off. I'm here right i will call when i need anything)

''Okk see don't order anything for her .. you can leave now its already late .''

''Acha sahab ''( ok sir)

I think she is thinking of getting settle hear only and also getting really comfortable I must say marwah bibi . but wait a sec I'll make you remember that you have been kidnapped here and i didn't brought you here for vacation i thought to myself....

Marwah's pov :

After that argument i don't know were that hulk went then fatima bi his maid came to me.

we both talked about numerous things like she has two sons both of them left her when she needed them and many more talks we had together.

Afterwards i offered my maghrib salah yes i did fatima bi took me to a clean room there we both prayed in my dua i asked allah to be after my parents every time.

And also about this kidnapping which i have taken grantedly, to keep it that way only i should not get harmed in this and many more things i asked from allah also thanked him for giving me everything i deserve.

Now im feeling hungry so i asked fatima bi to order my one veg burger bcuz i don't eat non veg outside of my home we don't know whether it is halal or haram right.

That's why i don't prefer to eat non veg outside i was thinking all this than the Mr.Arrogant appeared infront of me with a smirk on his face

I just wish i could rub that smirk
From his face yeh allah

''Got settled very well marwah bibi ?? I heard you ordered veg burger . You could have order something to drink too naa . ''  he asked me .

''Oh i forgot that now do one thing make a veg burger with a mango smoothie for my order kkk ?????''  I said reminding my burger which i have ordered now he's also asking me to order something to drink so why would i refuse.

''Yeh yeh completely fine .. you order will be placed in 10 mins ..... in your dreams if you sleep now....'' he said with a playful smirk on his face.

What he is talking about. ..

''What ....''  before i could have asked him he said cutting my line of dufff

''What what haan ? Do you think i brought you here for a picnic ...idiot i kidnapped you and you are demanding all this answer me??''  He said in a seriously annoyed tone.yeh khuda why he is always annoyed i thought to myself and understood what he was saying and said

''Oh so you were been sarcastic from that time. what should i do im hungry mannn i can't forget my food i didn't even had my lunch properly you know bcuz of my science lab......''  again he didn't let me complete my sentence. ..

''Ahh okay shut up look there are some biscuits eat them and go directly to sleep here in this room only . If you again argue with me one more time i swear you will not like the consequence '' i think i made him pissed off its better if i surrender now yeah its better i thought and said

''Kkk cool down man why are you getting angry i got it. . Jazakallahu khair for your bissssss..cuits hufff'' my sarcasm didn't went waste in biscuits point he understood it and in return asked  me to

''Shut up''

''Kk'' i said and eat the  biscuits thanked allah for giving food and looked around to see were should i sleep when i didn't saw any bed i asked him

''But were is the bed to sleep? ?''

''Wait a sec I'll do one thing I'll book a five star hotel for you to stay ok ?'' Like really i think he got his mind back thank you Allah

''That sounds like a plan do it ..''  again and again he is cutting me off what does he thinks about himself .

''Shut up and sleep here on this charpie ''(small bed )  you know what some people will never get their  mind. here is the  biggest example i can say ...

What no ways now im getting angry on him but what i can't do anything by getting angry as if it will effect him duhh but i asked him keeping my anger aside

''What.... are you mad ?? You kidnapped me right than give me some respect atleast provide me one room ..''

''Okay fine I'll do it tomorrow because there are no servants to clean the room. you will get your room . And one more thing i informed your parents that you went on a trip for 3 days with your college . So you'll be here for next three days ''   My parents believed that  cuz...

''Okay i know. there is a real picnic from my college for 10 days that's why my parents got convensed and believed you .And I'm not ready to live with a arrogant man like you ... you got that im not ....'' i said reminding his arrogant side towards him .. as if he would care..

''Ufff stop it and go to sleep I'm leaving . Allahafiz '' he said closing the door behind him ..

''Allahafiz'' i screamed at him showing my anger...

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