chapter 37

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Marwah's pov :

Mom mommm Daddd where are you .... I'm home.

I giggled and entered into Dad's library.

Da...Dad ..... mom . Mom Dad were not moving but i could sense Dad's eyes on me. Like he wanted to say me something.

I got near to them to checked there pulse which were already dead.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... i panicked as i sat and saw the surroundings around me . I was in my room which means it was a nightmare.

I was fully drenched in sweat .

What kind of dream was it .?

It's just a nightmare nothing else.
Yeah Allah ...

I got up and started praying fajr salah .

My hands raised up for Prayer .

Yeh Allah please give my parents healthy life . And guide us on a right path . I'm sorry for all the mistakes i have done.


Hummm i smiled as soon as  the flavours of i tasted the biriyani which was made by Aunty(Danish's mom).

"Umm aunty its amazing its exactly like mom ." I said as i tasted it

"Really?"  She asked.

"Yes aunty."

"I'm glad that you liked it marwah." She kissed my forehead.

"Bhabi here bhai wants to talk to you ."  Rushna gave me the mobile. I took it with a smile on my face .

"Assalamualaikum ..."  i greeted him.

"Wa...walaikumasalam marwah listen to me carefully we are going out somewhere I'll pick you up in 10 minutes."  He sounds worried maybe work pressure.

"Bu..but where?I asked

"Please don't ask anything ."

"Okay.I agreed and ended the call .

As aunty saw my panicked face she asked

"What happened marwah?"

"No nothing he just told me we are going somewhere." I replied.

"Offfhoo bhabi i guess bhai is taking you on a date ."  Rushna started teasing me .

"Shut up Rushy don't tease her ." Aunty took my side .

Maybe Rushna is right. I should get ready. i don't think so .i thought and just wore my Abaya.

In less than 10 mins Danish was infront of me .

I smiled at him but he just gave me a sad smile in return.

"Hey .."

"Marwah we are going somewhere." He said

"I know tell me about that ."

"Please don't panic ." What he's talking about.

"I don't have enough guts to tell you the truth right now."

"What are you saying Danish you know right i can't understand complicated things just make it easier for me ."

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