chapter 43

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3rd person's pov :

They where busy in trying to understand what's happening but soon they heard some voice .

This voice was not knew for him.but he was scared for her .

He heard some gun shoots .

He started dragging himself out to save her .the pain was not letting him still he tried but failed.

The door opened revealing the love of his life .

"Stay down don't move." She said and made him sat on the bed

"They are kidnappers ." She told him

"Kidnappers.?"  Confusingly He asked.

"Yeah they are here to kill you.don't worry I'll protect you.just stay by my side." Her words truthfulness in them .

She started moving towards the cupboard aur took out something from there .

Danish Zahin's pov:

I was frozed in my place as i saw the thing in her hand.

She was loading a gun without a fear in her eyes .soon she removed the bullets from it and loaded something else in that .

I was shocked is this my marwah? I asked myself.

"Stay in room i can handle this. Don't you dare come out of the room I'm warning you ." She said in a serious tone

"Bu..." i tried helping her but she refused.

"Just quite. Shhhh "  She left the room

It's been already an hour and there is no clue of her . The loud shouts of bullets are no where to be heard now.

Don't know how i dragged myself to living area .

The situation of living area was unexplainable. I just couldn't describe the situation.

Many guards where laying down unconsciously.

Marwah had the gun in her hand.

Did she killed them?

"No I didn't killed them i just seducted them anestecia. They'll gain there conscious in just 16 hours." She told as if reading my mind .

"By the way why you came here i guess i asked you to stay in your room didn't i ?"

"Wh...what's happening?"  Why the hell is my voice shattering I'm i scared i asked myself.

"They are yazan's men ." She said cleaning her hands but i gave her a confused expression. She saw me and gave a dull face

"Oh quite it Danish don't act like you don't remember anything. I know you didn't had any memory loss so please cut it ." She said carelessly.

"How do you know." I asked she was going to answer me when some one entered the house .

Many men entered the house.

"Well well don't you think robert reunion is going on here ." Yazan.... What he's doing here how does he knows that I'm here.

"Yes boss .Soon his men covered the house .

"But you know what robert i don't like reunion actually cuz i don't have anyone to reunion with them.

The reason of this is this bas*** standing in his glory front of us. But don't worry i won't give you the chance."  His guards holded me tightly as he started walking towards her .

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