chapter 10

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Danish khan's pov :

I was talking with Safi about leaving this farm house tomorrow because he found something wrong here.

I can't put her in danger it's my responsibility to protect her . So we need to leave from here as soon as possible.

'Thinking of devil and the devil appears.' I thought in my mind .

Yes you guys are right I'm talking about her i mean miss marwah hashyam duff drama queen .

I thought she would be tired for being injected and not to forget she was unconscious for some time .

She should be tired and scared right ?

But no here she is fighting  with the nurse for not getting injected. .... ahh i can't believe her she shouts at everyone, fights  with everyone she doesn't like . She thinks herself as a warrior i guess .

But now she is scared of injection i can't believe her.

I didn't miss the fear in her eyes by hearing injection from the nurse . She looked cute, innocent, beautiful. ....

Wait a sec i called her innocent no ways in hell she is innocent.

As the nurse said she looks so young but her talks can make anyone speechless i know that...she's right i completely accept this point of the nurse....

Doctor said she didn't had her proper meal so she should get injected and here again she's showing her tantrums to us.....

As if I'll bare her tantrums. I thought in my mind.

I asked the nurse to get the injection ready while miss marwah was shouting on me for being dominating the nurse injected her .

Finished.... silly girl was soo buzy in her own world that she didn't even felt the needle in her arm . So cute

''Marwahhhhh she injected you long back ago .....''  Safi informed her . Even he didn't noticed her getting injected.

''What no ... ''  miss marwah lost her words and touched her arm to feel the pain . Once she felt the pain she closed her eyes tightly to endure the pain .

She kept quite for 5 seconds ... now she's going to kill her haahaa miss fighter .

1.. here we goo ....

''What have you done its paining like.... ahhhhh I'll sue you miss fatty for injecting me without my concern.''  Yeah allah she looks so beautiful with a angry face ....

''I'm not gonna spare you miss fatty and you mr.arrogant you argued with me for this right? ''  Yes you are right i wanted to say but i didn't because slowly she was closing her eyes .injection is working

''Yes you guys all fooled me I'll not leave you. I'll sue all of you just wai... ..''   she said while falling on the bed. Now finally she slept and the nurse left the room .

ufff such a drama for just getting injected .

Now i can continue my work peacefully i thought and left the room quietly.

Marwah's pov :

I opened my eyes and again saw the dark painted walls of his room.

Ahhh there is a still pain in my arm,  I'll sue you miss fatty you wait and for you mr.arrogant here i come. .... i thought and left the room to my room .

I entered into my room directly went towards the washroom to take a shower with the clothes which fatima bi brought for me along with my hijab .

I quickly took a shower made my ablution then offered Asr salah in my room itself.

After praying suddenly my stomach started to grumble .i didn't had anything for lunch . Now I'm really hungry i want food my love I'm coming....

I directly went inside the kitchen after greeting Safi bhai who was sitting in dinning hall along with mr.arrogant. .

I walk towards fatima bi and started shouting  ''foood ... fooood... I'm hungry. .. foood .....''

''Shhhhh marwah i made pancakes for you . You go sit in the dining hall I'll just reheat them and bring it to you . I know your hungry my sweet cupcake. .''

She said keeping her hands on my face . Awww just like mom ... i miss her and dad too ..

I went towards the dining hall glare at him . He ignored me and continued his work on his stupid laptop .

You just wait mr.arrogant till i finish my meal . I'll regain my energy and show you what marwah hashyam is .. i thought in my mind .

Fatima bi brought me my pancakes and asked me how I'm feeling i said I'm completely fine for which safi bhai nodded his head as if understanding I'm really fine .

i started eating them with lots of losts of chocolate syrup on it without caring about my surroundings.

I mean who cares when you have your favourite food in front waiting for you right ..?

Safi bhai and mr.arrogant were staring me as if I'm a different creature . Who cares i thought and digged in my pancakes.

Ummm yummmm i thought.

''sis don't mind me asking but why are you eating like you didn't ate since ages ? Are you that starving?''  Safi bhai asked me confusingly.

''No bhai you know when i get into some trouble even my hungry gets double. ..'' i replied him munching my pancakes.

''Haahaa really but i must say you eat like a wrestler...''  he said while laughing.

''Bhai are you trying to make fun of mine ?''  I asked him in a annoyed tone .

''Nooo noo noo I'm not making fun of yours my little sis i only said your quite good eater that's it ..''   he answered me as if he was scared of me.

''Umm okk then its fine . I don't mind you ..''  i said and continued my eating.

I finished my food then got up from the dining chair went towards mr.arrogant folded my hand on my chest trying to show my seriousness. 

He raised his eyebrows to looked at me from his laptop to ask what ...

Then i said ..

''Soo mr.arrogant you asked miss fatty to inject me haa ..?? Without my permission you both did it right ?''  Innocently i asked him before he can answer me again i started. ..

''Would you mind if i take a small revenge for getting injected?''   I asked him with a mischievous grin on my face .


Assalamualaikum everyone. ..

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Soo wat marwah will do to take her revenge from him ?any guesses?

Let me now in the comments below.

Allahafiz take care ....

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