chapter 31

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Author's pov :

The Qazi entered into the hall and was waiting for the bride and groom to arrive but there was no sign of them he scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

"Janab were are the dulha and dulhan ?" He asked to Safi who was standing there.

He was going to answer when Danish entered into the hall while his phone attached to his ear .

"Here comes our groom. My dashing Dany"

"And Dulhan ?"  Qazi again asked this time Danish disconnected the call saying

"She'll be here soon ."

They were waiting for marwah when one of the maid came to Danish and told

"Sir mam is calling you inside."

"Me ?"   He asked  the maid nodded her head ans left from there

"Excuse me everyone just a minute." He excused himself and went inside her room . He was irritated when he saw her in the same attire.

"You are not ready yet ?   Seriously he asked and she gave him a innocent look asking "

"Why would i get ready? "

"Because we decided to get married."   Now he was really irritated

"Oh i remember but before that mr.khan you need to hear me first." She was acting and he was not ready for all this stuff

"Marwah stop ... everyone are waiting for us out come lets go ."  He went forward to hold her hand when she yelled

"Don't you dare.  Stay away.  You are the reason for all the miseries of my life ."  She showed him her hand asking him to stop.

"What I'm the reason how ?"  He was not able to understand.

What happened to her all of sudden he thought

"Because of your misunderstanding i was kidnapped." She closed her eyes cuz of anger and fear building inside her.

"But you enjoyed getting  kidnapped plus i decided to drop you off that day didn't i ??"

"You did haahaa .. ok what about you falling for me did i asked you to love me. Sending me damm proposal and using my family as your Asset ?  And when i rejected your proposal you removed my Dad from job ."  First time she was using all those words.  They automatically came out of her

"Listen i didn't did that it was done by my Secretary." Honesty was visible in his eyes but she denied looking in his eyes.

"Oh please stop your drama you are the main reason . Cuz of you Dad sended me Dubai.  Cuz of you that beast kidnapped me ." she started sobbing

"Because of me he did that how do you know? ?"  He was worried

"He told me himself.  You know what first i thought you really love me but now i understood all your plan."

"Plan ?"

"So you don't know what I'm talking about? "

"Marwah we can talk about this later first lets leave from here as soon as possible." Khuda isai abhi kyu yaad araha hai sab kuch (oh god why she is remembering all this now) he thought

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