chapter 8

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Marwah's pov :

Me and safi bhai went towards the backside of farm there i saw wonderful greenery and all types of flowers which i could think .... wow the view frm here looks outstanding iam in love with this place i thought in my mind .

''So marwah wanna see horses.''.?? I nodded excitedly.

''Look there .. there are many. .. '' he indicated toward the horses mashallah they all are really beautiful. Allah has created many beautiful creatures in his world ..

''You like them ?'' He asked me looking at my emotion less expression.

''I love them bhai '' i answered him enthusiasticly for which he chuckled and said

''Then go and have a close look of them wat are you waiting for ..''

''Yepppiiii'' i screamed out of excitement

''Woww its beautiful. .. is this he or she bhai ??'' I asked bhai looking at a brown sparkling gorgeous feathery horse

''She'' he answered me

''Whats her name ? '' I asked him moving forward to touch her.

''Cara ..'' he told

''What a lovely name , just like you are .... can i ride you ?'' I asked her caressing her cheeks as if it was going to answer me huff.

''You know horse ridding marwah'' ?. Bhai asked me

''No i don't but i want to try bhai plzzz plzz pretty plzz bhai ...'' its my wish to ride a horse and now when i have my chance i can't miss it .

''No marwah its still a untrained horse you can't ride it iam sorry.'' He tried to give me a reason. Uff now i don't have a choice.

''Bhai you call me sis right ? Won't you fulfill your sisters wish bhai for me ....'' i showed him my twinkling eyes i hope my emotional card works on him bcuz it always works on my dad

''Ahh stop it marwah ok you can but you have to be careful okkk'' Yep it worked yehhhh

''Yes sir'' i salute him then he started to give me tips to ride. its quite eazy i can do this yes i can.

''Put your leg up..yes like this then pat its back using your shoes slowly so it starts to walk. .'' I did as he told me.

''Kkk bhai ..'' then in excitement i hit his back forcefully suddenly cara started running in its full speed ...

''Ahhhhh calm down cara I'm sorry. help me bhai ... its out of control. I don't wanna die this soon am not even married someone plz help me ....'' allah help me plzzz i screamed upon my lungs

''Hold on the rope tightly marwah nothing Will happen to you .'' Bhai said in a worried tone bcuz he was worried for me..

''Ahhhhhhhh help help ..'' i just hope I'll be alive i prayed to myself and kept on shouting for some help.

Danish's pov :

I was in my office room which is located in farm house ... yes have a office in my farm house because i usually stay here for work .

I was concentrating on this new deal whichi have got then suddenly i heard some screams,or i can say girly screaming but Rushna is not here to scream then who is this screaming man ..

I was trying to think wait a sec its mar.. its marwah who is shouting for some help. .. whats wrong with her .

I dashed out of my office room and straight went towards the backside of farm frm were all this screamings are coming....

What i saw was beyond the shock for me ...... marwah was ridding cara but why.. cara is not even trained. . Who allowed her to ride and why she is ridding when she don't know how to ride i guess .

I looked at safi who had a terrified expression on his face and he was trying to think wat to do .

When he saw me he tried to explain me something for which i was least interest.

I took out my white horse from its stable got on it and started ridding towards the forest were cara took marwah with her .

I tried to find out were they are but there was no clue of them then suddenly i heard marwah shouting for help ... i just hope she will be fine till i reach her i prayed to myself.

I turned my horse towards the direction of marwah .

Now i can see her...

Finally i reached her and asked her ''marwah give me your hand.''

''But why ...'' she asked me the dumbest question of this situation.

''So that we could dance together.. idiot come to me so that i can save you ... give me your hand ...'' i scolded her and forwarded my hand to take her hand.

''Noooo I'll not let you touch me .'' She said and nodded her head saying no to me

''Don't be stupid marwah come to me if you don't want to die .'' I told her in a irritating tone.

''Noo i can't let you touch me allah will never forgive me if i let you to touch me ...'' oh god why she's doing this wat will happen to me if i can't save her .. i can't led this happen no i can't

''Marwah ,marwah look into my eyes ..'' she looked at me wid teary eyes which were looking beautiful to me. for the first time in my life we both had an eye contact.

''Nothing will happen I'll save you and allah will also forgive you for this . Now be a good girl plz. i can't loose you give me your hand. I'll save you ''. I assured her

''Please'' i begged her wid my eyes she slowly kept her hand in mine i locked our hands. it looked like this hands are perfect made for each other .then i pulled her to my chest.

''Ahhhhhhhhh'' finally she is safe and screaming in my ears right now

''Shhh its ok your safe now'' i tried to console her looking directly into her eyes which held fear in them .

Assalamualaikum guys how are you all ..??
How was the chapter ?
Why danish was so scared to loose marwah 😉?
Now wat danish will do to safi for letting marwah to ride the horse ??
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Allahafiz take care .

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