Chapter 1

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Harmony, had just entered the bakery and was immediately bombarded by the the breakfast rush. The line led to almost the door, and she could see some of her customers were growing impatient. Julia the girl at the one register opened was trying her best to keep crowd control.

Without wasting another minute, Harmony grabbed her apron, turned on the register and began to help take orders. Just because she owned the place doesn't mean she can't help with the manuel work. After about an hour or so, it began to calm down and Harmony as well as Julia got a break.

"I've never seen a breakfast rush so big. " Julia sighed.

"Well, you've only been here for a month, it gets worse and worse each day." Harmony admitted. It was true, they got about 200 customers alone coming in from around 6 when they open to about 9 that morning trying to get a coffee or muffin before going to work.

The bakery was quite large. It wasn't just a bakery, it was a café as well, but most of the time, they made baked goods. Harmony used some family recipes that she got from her Mama before she passed. It was only her dad and brother left.

Harmony opened the bakery for her mom. It was in her memory since her mother always wanted to own a bakery, but couldn't because of funds. But Harmony worked her but off getting a scholarship for college, and saving up her money. Now she was the proud owner of 4 of the city's finest bakery's.

"How was that date last night? "

"It was fine. The guy only really wanted to get in my pants the whole time. But you know what my motto is 'If he ain't put a ring on it, he ain't gonna put nothin in it. ' So another date gone wrong. " Harmony admitted.

She had tried many attempts at dating, but with her business in the way, it didn't really mix well. And some men are intimidated by a woman with a very good and well paid job. Most of the time, if Harmony went on a date, it didn't go well, only because the guy wanted her Kit Kat, or they were douche bags.

"You'll find someone soon. Hey. Why don't you come to the club with me this Saturday? " Julia suggested to Harmony. They had been friends for a long time, but when Julia lost her job, Harmony was more then happy to help her out. This was like helping her out.

"I don't know. " Harmony answered unsure. She doesn't like that type of atmosphere. The drinking, the smoking, the sweaty bodies rubbing against each other because it was hot. And the only reason it was hot because of everyone disgusting smelling breathe all mixed together. It just wasn't her cup of tea.

"Oh come on. Please for me. All you do is worry about work. Work. Work. Come have some fun. "Julia urged on.

Harmony thought about it for a second.

"Okay fine. " She sighed in defeat.

Julia squealed in delight. "This is gonna be so much fun, we have to go shopping this week, let's go on Friday, since we both are off. Well I am, you can be off whenever you want to be. "

Harmony rolled her eyes in annoyance and went back inside.

What has she gotten herself into.


Hey guys first chapter.

What do you think. This is a BWWM, or interracial.

Next update will be soon, because I pre wrote these chapters, so I just need to edit them and stuff.





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