Chapter 4

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When Harmony entered the bakery she didn't expect all the yelling and arguing. She also didn't expect to she a sexy man in a business suit.

Her breathe caught in her throat as she took in the sexy specimen before her. She bit her lip as she watched his muscles flex underneath his suit jacket.

I would love a piece of that white chocolate. She thought. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Julia gasp and say, "Anthony." She breathed out.

When Anthony heard the familiar voice of his sister his head snapped to the front of the bakery. He smiled as he saw his twin who he hadn't seen in a few months.

Julia raced towards her brother, as he extended his arms welcoming her. Julia cried into his shoulder as he squeezed her like his life depended on it.

"Why don't you ever see me? The kids ask about you all the time." Julia's voice was muffled. Anthony set his other half down, and watched her wipe her tears.

"I'm sorry I don't call, I've been busy with a lot of stuff." Julia rolled her eyes at his response.

"What are you doing here anyway." Julia questioned him in a rude way. She was passed that he was always "busy" Im pretty sure he had time to call and say, "Hi. How's life? Are you ok? Not dying right?" How hard is that.

"I came to see the owner of this not so fine establishment. He has been dodging my calls and I will not stand for it, they can't just ignore us like that. I demand respect." He explained.

"Uh oh." Julia whispered.

Harmony's eyes blazed with anger and her fists clenched at her sides. So this was the scum bag who hurt her best friend. And on top of that he was the one to repeatedly called her.

"Now you listen here." Harmony stood pointing a finger toward him. "I dont want to become apart of your stupid company ok. Just leave me the hell alone. I don't care about your respect Mr. High and Mighty, for all I care is that you could kiss my black behind. So please get out of my restaurant and never come back." She ranted.

Anthony put his arms up in surrender, but his eyes showed wonder. This was a little spit fire. His eyes couldn't help, but to move down her body aimlessly.

"Hey, if you didnt want us to be here, the least you could do is call us back." Anthony stated innocently.

"GET OUT! " Harmony screamed and pointed towards the door. Both men shared a look and quickly walked out the bakery.

Harmony rubbed her temples as a her huge headache hit. She groaned and decided to head home for the day.


Hey guys sorry for the late update, and if the chapter is a bit short, but you guys wanted me to update.  But you guys need to understand that I have a life to. Please don't pressure me, I will try to update when I can.

QFTC: Who's your favorite character? I need 6 replies from DIFFERENT people. You know who you are ; )

TeaserAnother day another challenge……

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