Chapter 2

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Anthony groaned as he looked at the time on his computer.  12 A.M it read.  He had been working late hours at the office,  to finish some business deals for his company.  Everything was okay so far,  besides his lack of sleep.

Deciding to turn it in for the night,  Anthony grabbed his briefcase,  and his suit jacket and left his office.

The streets were quiet at this time of night,  so Anthony didn't expect to have any trouble getting to his car.

Anthony got in his car,  and all of a sudden his phone rang.

He looked at the caller I'D and groaned.  "Hey Ma. " He said tiredly.  Why would she be calling this late anyway?

"Hello my favorite son. How are you,  I've been trying to reach you all day?" His mother answered back.

Every since her son has started that business,  he never called to talk or even check on her,  for all he knew,  she could be in the hospital right now.

"Mom,  I'm your only son.  And you know how the business is,  I try to call whenever I can. " It was true.  Running a multi-billion dollar corporation was tiring.

"Well,  I wanted to know,  if you could come by for Sunday dinner.  Everyone will be there including your sisters and their families.  Speaking of families.  Have you got you a girlfriend yet?  You know I want at least one grandchild from all my kids,  and your the only one left? " His mother pressured on.  Her son never dated much,  and she knew he was caught up in his business,  but still,  when he retires who will take over.

Anthony sighed in annoyance.  His mother was always in his business.  Constantly nagging him about not getting married or having a family.  It's not that he didn't want to,  he just couldn't find the right woman.

All the girls wanted was sex, his money,  or the fame.  He wanted someone who was independent,  and loved him for him, not his money.

" Mom,  I told you before.  I just haven't found the right one yet."

Mrs. Jackson rolled her eyes. "Well,  you better hurry up and find her soon.  Your father and I aren't getting any younger. But,  I'm pretty sure that if your father and I had another child,  he or she would be married with children before you. " She joked.

Anthony shivered in disgust.  "Okay mom,  to much. But,  I have to sadly say good night.  It is late,  and I have to be up early for coffee with Brandon. Love you. " He replied back.

"Night sweetie,  and don't forget about Sunday dinner. Love you. " And with that she hung up.

Anthony proceeded to go home,  take a shower and went to bed.


Harmony woke up to her alarm.  Looking at the time she groaned as it read 6:00 A.M.

She got up and took a shower,  washing her hair in the process.  She got dressed in a pair of tight denim skinny jeans,  a white v-neck shirt, and her black combat boots. She grabbed a head band and slipped it on her hair,  ready for the day.

Before leaving her apartment,  she grabbed her purse, phone, and car keys.  Then she drove to work listening to Maps by Maroon 5.

When she pulled up,  she saw that the café wasn't that busy,  so she could grab a hot chocolate and a muffin,  before helping out.

Julia joined her no more than five minutes later.

"Hey,  so I was thinking we should go to the club on Saturday,  even though Mike disapproves I don't really give a crap.  And then go to my family's Sunday dinner. " Julia suggested. Her mother, loved Harmony, and wanted her to meet her older brother. Well he was older by 3 minutes.

"I don't know. You know I don't like to intrude in people's lives. " Harmony declared unsure.

"Oh come on,  you know my family loves you. And you could meet my other half. "

"How is it,  that I have been to your house countless of times,  and I have never met your brother? " Harmony asked very curious.

"He is always, busy with work, so he never really visits us. " Julia stated kinda angry.

"Fine.  I'll go, only because I want to give your brother a piece of my mind for hurting you and your mother.

Harmony couldn't wait to meet this mysterious Anthony Jackson.


Hey guys chapter 2

QFTC: How do you guys think Harmony and Anthony should meet?

A. Harmony's Bakery

B. The Club

C. Sunday Dinner

Comment what you think.

Teaser: Anthony has someone visiting him soonperhaps a "girlfriend". Hmmmm...




P.S Go check out my other two books coming soon. I will try to make the chapters ahead so that I can have them ready for you guys.

Love you guys


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