Chapter 27

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So, this is the second to last chapter of this book, I will be writing a revised version. But I have not decided whether to put up the revised version before or after the sequel. What do you think?????

Harmony sat on a waiting chair in the waiting room, has she held her head in her hands. Sobs left her lips as she began weep. How could he not remember me.

She looked up as she saw a pair of heels step in front of her. "What happened?" Mrs. Jackson asked. She wrapped Harmony in her arms as she cried.

"He forgot me. He remembers everyone but me." She cried.

"Sweetie it will be OK. How about you stay with Julia for awhile, since you were staying with Tony." Harmony nodded.

"Julia is on her way, and after she goes to give Anthony a piece of her mind. You guys can leave." Harmony chuckled a bit.

"I just never felt things like that before until I was with him. And I know we moved way to fast, but I never expected this heartbreak."

"Hey. When it comes to love you have to take risks, and sometimes your heart gets broken. I think you should take a break, go on a vacation for awhile. How about you take Julia, you guys need and deserve some girl time. Hell, I could use some to." Mrs Jackson laughed.

"You know if I would have never met you in person and only talked to you on the phone, I would think you were black." Harmony shook her head.

"Well.... I was raised by a black woman."

Harmony gasped," Really?"

"Yep. I was an adopted child, my parents left me at a fire station and I was adopted by an interracial couple when I was 4. That's why I am so accepting of you and Anthony's relationship. Love goes beyond color or ethnicity, we have hearts and we all deserve someone." Mrs. Jackson smiled and wiped the tears off her face. A vibration went off in her purse, and she went to answer it.

"Hello?" She answered. There was a voice on the other line.

"OK. Yep we are in the waiting room on the 8th floor." The voice replied once more.

"Okay see you soon. Love you. Bye." She hung up.

"That was Julia she said she just parked and is on her way in."

"Ok." Harmony replied softly.

"I really want you to consider the vacation. And I'm not talking a week vacation. I'm talking like a 1-2 month vacation. Does that sound ok?"

"I don't know. What if Ant-." Harmony got cut off.

"No. Don't worry about Anthony, worry about yourself. You need and deserve a break. I'm not taking no for an answer." Mrs. Jackson pointed a finger at her.

"Fine." Harmony groaned, Mrs. Jackson smiled.


Anthony was sitting in his hospital bed getting a lecture by his father. He honestly didn't know nor didn't care what he was ranting about. He just wanted to get out of this place.

"Are you even listening?" Mr. Jackson asked when he noticed his son staring off into space.

"No." Anthony shrugged.


"Well what do you expect, I've been in a coma for two days. I wanna get back to work." Anthony sighed.

"Are you sure want to get back to work, or get back to those sluts that you bang every other night?"


"Listen son. I don't know what went wrong with you. Maybe when you got shot you bumped your head or something. But you had a great woman, and she is very devastated and hurt that you don't remember her. And the fact your not even trying to make an effort is even worse." Mr. Jackson rubbed his forehead in a frustrated manner.

"Who that black chick?"

"She is not just some black chick. She stayed with you all day and all night, she hasn't eaten in days, nor has she showered, because she was worried about you, and your white ass. Now, you need to open your eyes or your gonna lose something very special. I'm going to let you think about it, I'm going home. And you can sleep in this hospital for the first since you've been here. ALONE!" Mr. Jackson spat out and stormed out the room.

Julia was walking down the hallway when she saw her dad stomp past her. She grabbed his wrist before he could go any farther.

"What happened?" She looked over  his flushed red face.

"There is no getting to him. He is his old self again, don't even waste your time." Julia let go of his wrist as he proceeded down the hallway.

She cast one more reluctant look at his door, and sighed. "I'll come back tommorow." She whispered to herself and turn back in the direction in which she came.


Ashley strutted down the hallway as she passed by the receptionist desk. They completed ignored her and focused on what they were doing.

She passed by each door looking for the one that held the love of her life. She knew everything, from him losing his memory to him forgetting that black bitch. How. Well she has spies of course.

"Finally." She said as she saw him watching television.

She opened the door and walked in. His head snapped in her direction.

"Hello. May I help you?" He asked curiously.

"Aww baby. You don't remember me. Well let me refresh your memory. I'm pregnant and were engaged." She smiled as she showed him the fake but expensive engagement ring.


Hey guys, so this is the last chapter before the Epilogue..... TO THE SEQUEL!!!!

QFTC: Did you really think I was gonna leave y'all hanging like that?

Teaser: Epilogue is fast forwarded 2 months.

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