Chapter 26

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Two Days Later

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The constant noise from the heart monitor sounded. It had been 2 days, and nothing. Everything was the same and nothing had improved.

She hated seeing him so broken. Never leaving his side, and yet, she felt so much guilt. The heavy burden weighed on her heart, and when she knew he was OK, she knew she had to leave.

Bags lay under her eyes, and her hair looked as though it hadn't been combed in weeks. Not to mention she hasn't showered since the accident.

"It's all my fault." She whispered over and over again. Tears began to fill her eyes as she grabbed onto his hand. "I'm so sorry."

She had never felt so much pain and heartbreak. By now the tears began a puddle at the floor. The door sqeaked open but she paid it no mind.

"Sweetheart, you need to eat." Her father stood in the doorway looking down at his broken daughter.

"I can't dad. Not until I know he will be ok." She said and grasped onto his hand tighter.

"You can't be like this forever. You know someone wise once told me,'When you love someone you have to set them free. Who knows, maybe God has someone else better out there for you. Not to take their place, but to make you happy once more' Remember when you told me that. It gave me he courage to get up and move on. Me and you mother had been together for 33 years, before she left us. I loved her so very much. We had a routine, and after she went to walk with Jesus, I had to make my own." Mr. Rodriguez's voice cracked as he remembered his wife.

"But there is just one thing wrong with that, he is not dead. And I won't let him die on me. I love him dad." She leant her head on Anthony's chest and began to sob.

"But you will need to face the fact that if he does you need to move on. I love you sweetie and I hate seeing you like this. Just think about starting over, maybe it was for the best." Mr. Rodriguez kissed his daughter's forehead and left.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The room went back to silence once more after Mr. Rodriguez left. Harmony climbed into bed with Anthony and cuddled on his side. "I love you. Please come back to me." She whispered and kissed his lips. She laid her head on his chest once more and went to sleep.


Darkness. That was the only thing he could see. He felt a pain in his chest, yet he couldn't see anything. He tried to open his eyes, but they seemed glued shut.

Trying he same with his fingers, and nothing. He began to hear to annoying sound of the heart monitor and groaned. Where am I?

After sitting there in defeat he finally began to try again once more. His eyes began to slowly crack open and he saw a small light.

He felt a weight to his left side and panicked. Who is this?

He peeled his eyes open even further and looked down seeing a black woman whom he had never met before. He slowly lifted his arm to tap her.

"Excuse me. Miss, you need to get up." He said his voice a bit hoarse.

Harmony began to groan as she heard a voice, an all to familiar voice. Her eyes sprung open as she looked at the love of her life.

"Oh my goodness, your awake!" She smiled and hopped out of his bed. She opened the hallway door and ran to the nurses desk where she saw both Anthony's doctor and his nurse.

"He's awake!" She said and they looked her, they then proceeded to follow her back to the room. When they got in there Anthony was looking around the room confused.

"What am I doing here?" He asked.

"Well Mr. Jackson, it seems that you were shot. The bullet was very close to your heart, luckily we were able to remove it. Now we need to ask you a few questions just to make sure your memory is still in tact. Is that OK?" The doctor asked as he grabbed his clipboard and pen from by the door.

Anthony nodded.

"OK. What is your name?"

"Anthony Jackson."

"When were you born?" The doctor began writing his answers.

" April 4, 1988."

Harmony stepped out the room to contact his parents and Julia. A few minutes later she walked back in and saw the doctor wrapping things up.

"Ok, we have one more question. Who is that?" The doctor pointed toward Harmony.

"I don't know." He whispered. Harmony felt her heart break into a million pieces.


So, Anthony got shot, and he doesn't remember Harmony. I feel bad.

Important News!!!!!

This book has 2 chapters left, it is vital I get those new character ideas Private messaged, or Kik it to me. For the SEQUEL OF COURSE!!!!

Teaser: Things aren't looking so good.





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