Chapter 16

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Anthony carried Harmony upstairs to his room after pulling her off of Julia. She had elbowed him in the gut already and man did it hurt. He could only imagine how Julia felt.

When he go to his room he sat Harmony down her bed."Harmony, are you OK?" He whispered to her. She stared off into space with a faraway look in her eyes.

"Yeah. I'm OK actually. I think I am ready to talk like an adult." She sighed as she wiped away her tears. No more crying or showing weakness. She thought to herself. You have to be strong.

"I think you should just get some rest. I will get my parents to leave." He began to get up but he felt Harmony's hand grasp his wrist.

"No please don't. I will go back I promise I won't hit her. I'm okay now. See." She fakely smiled and pointed to it for emphasis.

Anthony rolled his eyes," Harmony. I don't think that's a good idea." He shook his head.









"No." Harmony tried to trick him.

"No." Anthony chuckled.

"Why. Please Tony, I promise I won't hit her." She tried to seduce him. She sat on his lap and played with his hair.

"That's not going to work." He kissed her cheek.

"Oh really." She smirked. "How about if I do this." She kissed his neck.


"Oh. Well how about this." She kissed near his ear.

He swallowed,"N-no." He stuttered.

She kissed his cheek and her lips slowly trailed down to his lips. They brushed one another and Anthony let out a groan."How about now." Harmony whispered.

Anthony slowly nodded in a trance.

"Thanks babe." She smiled and hopped off his lap skipping down stairs.

"What the hell?" Anthony came to his senses."Hey!" He exclaimed running after her.

Harmony made it back downstairs and saw Mrs. Jackson aiding Julia's wounds and Mr. Jackson and Mike sitting on the couch whispering quietly.

"Hi." Harmony made her presence known. She could feel the tension as she stood there.

"Hi sweetie. Are you OK?" Mrs. Jackson asked. Julia glared at her mother.

"Why are you asking if she's okay? I am the one you should be asking that question to." Julia sassed.

"Julia listen-." Harmony started.

"No I don't want to hear anything you have to say. You decided to fight me instead of talking to me."

Is this girl serious."Well you were the one that was gonna have me killed. So, why did you do it? You at least owe me an explanation." Harmony put her hands on her hips.

"All your life you got everything you wanted. You had the perfect grades, perfect family, and a perfect life. You own your own bakery and your successful. I waned to be you, I struggled with grdes, my marriage was falling apart and it was terrible for me. So I wanted to stop you from getting the one thing that would put the icig on your perfect cake of a life. Love. I knew you were going to fall for Anthony, why do you think I kept him away from you so long. You guys are perfect for each other, and that's why I hate you." She snapped.

"So... Do you not remember all those times I spent the night tyig to help you study. Or when my mother died. Do you not remember how hard I worked in college while you got drunk and high. How about when I started my own business while you got pregnant and married out of wedlock. You put those things upon yourself. So don't sit here and try to play the victim  card." Harmony rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She whispered.

"So I wanted to know if anyone wanted anything. I have to get to the bak-" Harmony was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"I'll get it ,"Anthony called running to the door.

A few seconds later the door closed."Hey Harmony there is someone here for you." He walked into the room. Followed by someone Harmony never expected to see again.







"Mom." She whispered.

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Hey guys so no one wants to do the cover!



Contest Reward Above⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆ Contest info in last chapter.

QFTC: I thought Harmony's mom was dead. What do you think happened?

Teaser: Secrets don't stay hidden forever.





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