Cupid Changmin

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Yoongi's POV

Why the f*ck did I agree to this, again?

I impatiently tap my feet and stare at the door knob. Taehyung is pacing back and forth, equally as nervous as I am. He isn't saying anything, but his facial expression says it all for him.

When Taehyung looks up and knocks on the door again, I wince as a pair of ears -- a tiger's? -- appear and vanish as quickly as they had sprouted. "Are we sure there isn't a doorbell? There has to be a doorbell."

"I looked three times, there can't possibly be one."

"Look again," he insists.

My hands curl into small fists, but I comply, taking in every inch of the area around the door in an effort to find a doorbell. If it puts Taehyung at ease, I'll try a million more times. He just needs to keep his shifting under control.

"This is taking forever. What's the use in Namjoon tracking his address if we can't even get in?"

"Don't ask me," Taehyung growls. "Ask Namjoon."

The stress builds up as I pull out my phone. I search for Namjoon's number in the contacts list.

"Can I help you?"

The voice at the doorway startles Taehyung and I. I'm glad he didn't shift this time.

Somebody answered...

A younger boy -- perhaps our junior by one or two years -- stands off to the side, protecting himself by holding the door open in front of his chest. His facial features are so similar to Y/N's that I wonder if he's a cloned duplicate.

"C-Can I help you...?" he softly inquires again. "If you're here for legal reasons, I can't help you..."

"No," I quickly reply. "Are you Cho Changmin?"

As quickly as he had shown himself to be innocent, his deadly nature slithers out in the form of a blade. "What do you want?"

I take a step back, firmly pulling Taehyung behind me.

If Y/N's mother is as dangerous as Y/N made her out to be, then her son must have some tricks up his sleeve for protection.

"Nothing from you," I explain carefully. My eyes never leave the blade in his hand. "Your sister is at the office right now, but...we want to...monitor her."

"Why?" The boy takes a step closer, as if threatening to cut my arm. I firmly stand where I am.

"To protect her...?"

"What's my sister's name?"

"Cho Y/N."

"What's her favorite color?"

You've got to be kidding me.

"Kid, this isn't twenty questions."

"Answer me or leave," Changmin snaps. His hand is gripping the door tightly in preparation to slam it shut.

Taehyung speaks up. "White."

My favorite color?

The boy lowers his blade.

My lips ease into a smile at the worst of moments. We have the same favorite color?

"Her favorite food?"

"Kimchi fried rice," I answer before Tae has the chance to. I remember her expression from a few days ago when she heard Jin was making kimchi fried rice again. Her smile was mindblowing.

"Her best friend?"

I take a chance. "She...doesn't have one."

The boy frowns and lifts his blade again. "True. Who are you?"

"I'm Min Yoongi and this is Kim Taehyung. We're friends of your sister."

"That's not possible," Changmin denies. "She's never mentioned anyone from school."

"We didn't become friends through school."

"I see." Changmin lowers his blade. "I warn you, I'm a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. If you try anything, I'll break your ribcage."


"Can we come in?" Taehyung asks politely. His innocent eyes are wide open and still concentrated on the blade in Changmin's hand. He's half-hidden behind my back, claws secretly poking through my shirt.

"Yeah." Changmin kicks the door open and walks back inside, stashing the blade in a protective case on his waist.

Does he carry that everywhere or did he put it on just because we were at the door?

Taehyung and I cautiously enter the house. The sight is quite a spectacle.

Immediately as we enter, we notice a beautifully ornate chandelier lighting up the entry area. Two rounded flights of stairs border both sides of the room and lead to an exposed upper level, where I can already make out several closed doors.

A hallway beneath the upper level extends through the house, leading to what I presume is the kitchen from the way the hardwood floor changes to tile.

"I wonder why Y/N-noona chose an apartment. This place looks amazing." Taehyung's mouth ran too soon.

"You've been to my sister's apartment?" Changmin is concentrated on the two of us again, hand gripping the protective case around his blade. "Were you scouting it?"

"No, we lived there for the past few months. "

Taehyung! Now what is he going to think!?

"...what?" Changmin chokes. "With both of you? Is this a shared relationship or..."

"No!" I protest. The embarrassment has already flooded my cheeks. "We'll explain everything, but it's not what you think it is."

"That's what they all say," Changmin smiles deviously. He takes his hand off the blade and practically skips down the hallway. "Come on, I want to know all the details! I need to know which one of you is a good fit!"

A good fit?

"Only one of you gets to be her boyfriend!" he calls from the kitchen. "How many dates have you been on? I can't bless you yet."


Taehyung's eyes size me up. "Boyfriend, huh?" He chuckles as he walks down the hallway, leaving me to stare into empty space under the chandelier.

I'm going to kill you both.

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