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At first, all I can sense is the increasingly unwelcome beating of my heart.

One-ba-bump. Two-ba-bump.

It slams against my chest, frantically pumping with the vivacity of a live wire drenched in the waters of an unknown space. Blood rushes through my arms, legs, hands, waist, head like electricity would arc from droplet to droplet, too fast. Too sudden.

My nerves fire in too many directions, leaving me with pricks and needles all through my muscles, laced in my skin. With a groan, I roll over.

I next hear -- and feel -- the crunching of leaves beneath me. Their eerily jubilant crackling startles me into consciousness. Grabbing my head in an effort to combat the headache behind my eyes, I crack my eyes open by just a sliver.

My sight is flooded with white. With shock, I fear I can't see...only to realize I need to look away. Slightly shifting to the side, I block my eyes from the sun in the sky and focus instead on the branches, which stand in stark contrast to the bright daylight.

The breeze dies down. My heart calms. For a brief moment, the world revolves not around me but itself, so pure and raw in its silence.


Rubbing my eyes, I sigh.

Day three.

Ever since I left the tunnel, I've been struggling to reconnect with the rest of the Bangtan boys. You would think it would be vital to know that my end of the tunnel network emerges in the middle of nowhere.

What I don't know is where the other tunnel emerged. The boys could be at a safehouse, in the woods like me, or fleeing from the minions of the devil herself.

My hands scramble behind me, slowed by my stiff muscles and tired brain. They hit a familiar zipper.

I took Yoongi's bag by accident, back in the tunnel. The only reason I can tell is because a bag of mints stuffed in the bottom has successfully...very pleasantly...poached the air for its own aroma. Given the situation, it's comforting to have something familiar with me.

But now I'm stuck with all of his stuff. His clothes, his deodorant, his undergarments, his face mask, his hoodie, his shampoo, his toothpaste, his body wash, his computer...

On second thought, it's not that bad. I've been able to manage. And he left an emergency kit in his bag, which was convenient for setting up a splint for my ankle. But I would have killed for the granola bars I stuffed in my bag.

I'm starving.

Bending over, I readjust the splint on my ankle. I know it's getting worse. How much longer will it last without proper treatment?

For the past two days, the sun has been hidden behind dark clouds. I've had no way to tell which way is north, south, east, or west, so I've been marking the trees. If I'm being chased, I'm giving my pursuers a clear way to tell where I am. But I also can't risk walking in circles. I'll never find my way.

I suppose this morning is my lucky break, though.

Glancing at the sun, I bask in its small source of warmth. Winter is on its way.

Snatching Yoongi's bag, I drag myself to my feet.

So...this way.

Once my mind gets past the dread of being stuck in the woods, it's nice to breathe in the crisp air. Yesterday, snowfall arrived. The remaining snow on the ground is fluffy, but it crunches under my boots; the perfect kind of snow for building snowmen and igloos.

As a kid, I'd always get in trouble messing around with the snow, but I longed to create something made by my own hands. Some of the figures I made were actually quite impressive, thinking back on it.

My eyes catch a grey puff in the sky.

A fire.

Excited by the unexpected turn of luck, I already find myself making an effort to pick up my pace. If I'm right, there must be a campfire of some kind. If not a campfire, then a cabin. Maybe even several.

And food. Turkey...venison...dare I say chicken? Or maybe there's a restaurant in the area, and it gets its food imported. I could have anything I liked. Noodles, pasta, sandwiches, hotpot--

Crossing my fingers, my lips lift into a smile. Anything is fine.

It takes a while, but I finally reach the clearing. At first, my heart jumps with hope as I break away from the trees. But the joy doesn't last long.

Eyeing up the remains of the campfire, I scan the clearing for any signs of recent activity. On the far side, the clearing ends over a cliff, which gives me a breathtaking view of the mountains.

Rolling hillocks and deep divides become impressively distinct despite the lack of shrubbery. My frustration melts like a mother would pacify her child. This vigorous rush of awe is only comparable to the adrenaline one makes from a discovery.

I'd never been one to walk through nature much. That will change when things are said and done.

Ripping my eyes away, I finish scanning the clearing. Besides the nice view, there's nothing to note. No spare wrappers, no lost lighters, no bags or clothing...nothing.

Unfortunately, it looks like the fire has been dwindling for a while. It's on its last legs.

Soul in my feet, I scatter the remains of my courage amidst the dying fire and plop Yoongi's bag on the dirt nearby. My negativity gets the better of me as I stray. Lightly stepping by the edge of the cliff, I scan the mountains. What I do see in the distance is much more encouraging.

About eight miles away, I can see a small cluster of buildings. They stick out like a sore thumb in the sea of bare tree trunks. I can't tell what kind of neighborhood it is, but there isn't any commotion.

Surely there are some people living there, right?

Quickly, I observe the position of the sun. It's still a little early in the day, so it very clearly sits to the east. I make a note of which direction the town sits. Now I'll need to rely on the weather to stay clear so I can find my way.

Pondering about the best route to get there, I peer over the edge of the cliff. It's surprisingly not that steep.

Rushing to grab my -- Yoongi's? It might as well be mine at this point -- bag, I open the largest pouch and take out his clothes. A devilish laugh escapes my lungs.

I don't have a rope. Thanks for the donation!

I sort out his clothing -- underwear, pants, shirts, and all -- and start building a chain. Glancing over the cliff, I hope this will be enough to bring me to the bottom. I walk to the tree that's closest to the edge and very proudly snag his boxer briefs on a thick branch.

I never imagined the day I would be hanging Yoongi's boxers on a tree.

Firmly wrapping my hands around the chain of clothing, I approach the cliff's edge and clear my throat. There's only one way to know for sure whether the clothes will hold. I tied everything tightly, but...

Three taps for good luck, I guess?

I lightly tap the branch. With my heart in my throat...I lean back.


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