1776 new York city

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the year was 1776. we're in new york city. I mean my brother and I.  My brother is Alexander Hamilton. We're looking for Aaron Burr. Alexander wants to meet him. "how old are you again (y/n)?" Alex asks me. i smile. "18." i say. he smiled. "yup old enough to drink!" he says. (this was true i think.) i frowned. I always promised myself i wouldn't drink. I've never drank. i never will. "HEY THERE HE IS." alexander started running past me. he grabbed my arm. i wasn't a fast runner so he started dragging me. eventully he let go. then a huge crowd of people came. "no no no no no!" i whisper. i caught a glimpse of alex and burr go somewhere. "FUCK YOU ALEXANDER!" I scream. he turns his head and looks over at my deriction. i jump up and flip him off. he turns and says something to aaron before heading to me. "how dare you try and leave me helpless in new york city!" i scream. he grabs my hand and drags me over to burr. Aaron raises an eyebrow. "you left to pick up a girl?" Aaron asks. i stiffle a laugh. we walk into the building. i instanly knew it was a bar. cheers erupted from a table. i start to look but aaron puts his hands on my cheeks and makes me look at him, "don't look over!" he says. i smile. "aye sir!" he let go of me. he and alexander went to get some drinks leaving me alone

John Laurens X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now