my shot

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a sudden shout comes out of nowhere. "YO I'M JOHN LAURANCE IN THE PLACE TO BE HAD 2 PINTS OF SAM ADAMS BUT I'M WORKING ON 3!" somebody grabbed my hand and spun me around. we made eye contact. I blushed. he let go and danced away. I giggled. some new guy grabbed my hand and kissed it. "oui oui mon ami misier Lafayette!" he followed after the first guy. I held in a laugh. "BRUH BRUH I AM HURCLULES MULLIGAN!" a loud voice said. I jumped. a man with a bandana said before joining the other 2 men. they went over and bugged Burr. suddenly alexander joined in the conversation. "if you stand for nothing burr what do you fall for?" the 3 drunk men turned to alex. I smiled and moved over to alexs side. "who are you? who are you? who are you?" the 3 drunk men asked before chanting. "oh whos this kid whats he gonna do?" I lost it. I fell to the floor laughing. "and who are you?" one asked. I stood up and curtsied. "(y/n) Hamilton." I say. the first guy who grabbed my hand smiled. I figured out his name by his little song earlier. john. "pleasure to meet you.' he says. I nodded. alex jumped up onto a table. my heart speed up. something bad was gonna happen. 

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