a ball?

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2 weeks later

i curled into a ball on the couch. "who am i kiddding?" i whisper to myself. tears slipped down my face. "alexander will never find me..." i whisper. i cried more. a hand goes onto my shoulder. i rolled over. eliza looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. "hey whats wrong?" she asks. i wipe my tears away and look at her. "i'll never find alex will i?" i ask. she smiles. "of course you will." she says. i sigh. "ya maybe..." eliza looked up at the roof. i looked at the ground. "the worst possibilty is that he joined the revoltion." she whispered. i became a bawling mess. "oh god he tottally did." i say. i sob. she puts her hand on my shoulder. "well if he is you'll see him at the winters ball in 3 weeks. all the soldiers will be there,"  she says. i jumped up and smiled. "SO I'LL SEE ALEXANDER AGAIN!" i almost screamed. she nodded. i jumped up and down, i was going to see my brother agian after all. 

John Laurens X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now