still at the ball

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After the song ended and I got off of johns feet I smiled. "I have to go see why Alex was glaring at you." i say. he blushes a bit. "Alright." he says. i smile and walk over to alex and eliza. i fantise a bit about dancing with john. NO NO YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO FALL IN LOVE!  i mentally yell at myself. somebody grabbed my hand. "want to dance?" I didn't know the voice. but what I did know was her words were slightly slurred. "no thank you." I say. I pull my hand away from his and walk faster to Alex and Eliza. "are you ok?" Alex asks. I nod. "perfectly fine. why were you glaring at john the whole time we were dancing?" I ask. he didn't expect that. "um I was uh." he stumbled. eliza spoke up. "I think he's just looking out for you (y/n)." she says. I laugh. "that doesn't mean you have to glare at him." I tease. Alex crosses his arms and smirks. "you like him don't you?" I crossed my arms too. "I don't!" I say as a light shade of pink appeared on my cheek. Alex smiled. "oh you so do." he said. a big grin plastered on his face. "oh ok I may like him!" I whisper. Alexs grin grew. "oh I'm so getting you 2 together!" he says. I glare at him. I look at eliza and smile. "I know you know some French eliza so I apologize in advance for what i'm about to yell at my dumb brother." I warn. eliza nods. "Alexander si vous essayez que je vais vous botter le cul à la putain de lune! Alors je vais brûler tout ton papier et vider toute ton encre et briser tous tes quils" I whisper yell. he gasps. "you wouldn't dare." he challenges. I smile. "oh I would!" 

John Laurens X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now