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"Alex! big brother!" i yelled. it failed. "ALEXANDER HAMILTON GET YOUR ASS DOWN FROM THAT TABLE!" i screamed. as i screamed alexander started singing. (they're singing my shot now) john, laffeyette and hercules started singing too. i sat next to Burr. "i'm so sorry about my big brother." i whispered. burr closed his book. "is he drunk?" he asked/ i shrugged. they sang louder untill john said, "LETS GET THIS GUN IN FRONT OF A CROWD!" i stood up and tried to get to the exit. but one guy pushed me and alexander and his friends got through. i glared at the man and walked outside. it was cold. i shivered. "dam fall why can't you be warm for once?" i ask. somebody rabs my hand as she falls to the ground. "are you ok?' i ask as i pull her up. "i am thanks for catching erll not catching but helping me up." she says. i smile. "it was no problem." i say. she smiles and walks away. i look around. the crowds gone. so are alex and his friends. i sigh. i wasn't walking back to the bar. then i looked around and didn't even see the bar. that crowd dragged me away from the 1 person i knew the best of all of new york. it was dark now. nobody was on the street. i fell to my knees. then something touched my nose. it was cold. i looked up snow. i lost it for the 2nd time that night. i started crying. i was never going home to my big brother. a hand appeared in front of me. 

John Laurens X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now