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After john and i finish the last dance we walk over to alex and some of his friends. "alex will you take me to our house? since i don't know where it is and not leave me for once?" i ask. he smiles sheepishly. "ya ok." he says. we walk out together and head to our house. he opens the door. it's a small 1 story house. "want a tour?" he asks. i shake my head. "no i'm good. you need to get back to camp. i'll just explore byeeeee!" i pushed him out and shut the door. i locked it so nobody could get in. "nice little house." i whisper. i walk around a bit before finding alexs office. i go inside and grab a quil and some parcments. i write a letter to the sisters saying i made it home safely with alexander. then i wrote to alexander saying i wasn't sorry about taking over his office while he was gone. i promised i'd buy more ink and parcment if it ran out. then i wrote to john telling him how i had a wonderful time at the ball with him and that if he got hurt i'd kill him. i wrote to laffeytte in french and asked him to smack alexander everytime he was being an ass or dumb. i then finshed the letter when i wrote to hercules. i thanked him for keeping my presince at the ball a secret and thanking him for making my dress. i told him to stay safe. after the ink dried i rolled them up and tied (f/c) ribbon around them. i got the ribbon from the carriban. i left the letters on a table in the living room. i walked around my house. it was nice and small. i flopped on the couch before passing out.

John Laurens X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now