last dance

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Alex and i were talking untill he evilly grinned at me. i instantly knew john was behind me. "your a bitch alexander!" i whsper. i spin around. "hey john!" i chirp. john smiles. "i'm gonna head back to camp." he says. i smile. "aww can't you stay a bit longer?" i ask. he ponders my question. "sure. why not." he says. my smile widens. "great!" i say. he puts out his hand. "if you give me the last dance of the night." he purpsoes. i grab his hand. "sure why not." i say repeating his answer from earleir. he ruffles me hair. "you really are cute." he mutters. i cox my head. "what?" i ask. he smiles. "nothing." i smile and fix my hair. "alright." i say. he grabs my hands. "come on the last songs playing." john says softly. he took me out to the dance floor. he spun me around. i giggled. he let go of me and someone else grabbed my hand. "hello there. i'm charles lee." the dude saud. i didn't trust him. "nice to meet you." i say in a whisper. he spins me around. i didn't want to keep dancing with him. i pull away from him and go back to john. we dance until the ball ends.

John Laurens X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now