Untitled Part 12

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I woke up to someone knocking on my door. i opened it. "any letters to send out?" a man asked. i nodded. i handed him the letters. i wished him a good day before shutting the door. i walked into the kitchen. no food. i groaned. "now i'll starve!" i whine. i walked back to the living room. i opened the door abd shut it l. opened and shut it. opened and shut it. "your going to break the door." a voice said. i opened the door. "who are you?" i ask. he smiles. "Evan (not sorry) i'm here to deliver a to (y/n) hamilton from alexander hamilton." he says. i smile. "thats me." i say. he hands me the parchment. he walks away. i shut the door. i carefully opened the parcment. "dear (y/n), irm sending you this money so that you can get some food." indeed there was money. i kept reading. "the mail carrier brought me your letter. i don't mind you using my office just keep it clean. oh and i a week or 2 i'm gonna ask eliza to court me. well anyway goodbye (y/n). your brother, alexander Hamilton." i smile. alexander was gonna court eliza. awesome. i write back. "dear alexander. i won't mind eliza being your girlfriend i hoped it would happen. if you hurt her your dead! sincerly (y/n)." i hear a knock on the door. i open the door and there are 3 letters. i pick them up. already knowing who wrote them. i head up to alexs office to start reading and writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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