the sisters

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"hey i dropped something so i had to come back. you ok?" i grabbed the hand. i wiped the tears away. "no i lost my brother. i have no idea where i am. i don't know where i live! and i'm completly lost!!" i said. the girl smiled. "come with me." she said. i coxed my head. she grabbed my hand and started walking. i stumbled a bit but followed. at this point drunk people started walking onto the street. she started running. i got dragged along for a few secounds but started running yoo. djr dtopped in front of a huge house. she pushed open the door. she pulled me inside. it was so warm inside. i looked around. it was a nice house. "my names angelica schyler.' she said. she let go of my hand. (y/n) hamilton." i said. i smiled, "you have a lovely home." i said. she smiled. "it is isn't it? come on my father should be up still. i'll ask him to let you stay here while you look for your brother!" angelica took me over to her fathers office. she walked in i stayed outside. she grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside. i squeaked. an old man looked at me. i curtsied. "(y/n) hamilton. i can only assume your mr. schyler." i said. he nodded. "your daughter is very kind mr. schyler." i say. he smiled. "she is. she's very smart too. and rebious." angelica smiled. i looked at the ground. "how old are you miss hamilton?" he asks. i looked up again. i put my hands behind my back. "18 sir." i said. he looked at angelica. "she may stay show her the guest room." mr. shcyler said. i nearly jumped in the air. "i'm fine with just sleeping on the floor or a couch." i exclaimed. mr. schyler just smiled. "no no i insist you saty on the guest room." he said. i shook my head. "couch or floor." i say. he sighs. "you can sleep on the couch.' he says. i smile in triamph. i look at the doorway. 2 girls are standing there. 'angelica who's this?" one asks. shes wearing a blue dress. the others in a yellow dress. "her names (y/n) shes new in new york, she can't find her brother so shes going to stay here till she can!" angelica annoced. the other 2 girls smile. the one in the blue dress stepped forward. 'my name is eliza.' she says. i smiled. "nice to meet you eliza." i say. the girl in the yellow dress moved over to eliza."i'm peggy!" she says. i smiled wider. "nice to meet you peggy." i say. i trusted these people instantly. 

John Laurens X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now