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Eliza started doing my hair and make up. I wasn't happy. "Eliza it's just some dumb ball! I'm not going to fall in love with some man and I can't fucking dance!" I said. she smiled. 'wear flats. you cans stand on the guys feet." she said. I nodded. "sureeee." I say. she threw some black flats at me. I put them on. "lets go." she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the carrige. we got in and I started looking out the window. it was snowing. "so...." peggy started. I started drowning them out until eliza said. "we're here!"  I stood up. the sisters got out of the carrige. I got out after them and walked in. we all headed over to a table. people looked at us. some must have whispered about me. we sat down. the doors opened. I looked over I jumped out of my seat and ran to the door before smacking someone. Eliza ran over. "(y/n) why would you do that?" she asked. I smiled. "eliza meet my brother!" I say. Alex smiled. "I was so worried!" he said. he picked me up and spun me around. I laughed. "I never thought I'd see you again!" I say. Alex smiled. "I'm just glad your safe!" he said. he looked at eliza. "I'll leave you 2 alone." I grabbed Hercules hand and dragged him to peggy. (I ship it) I grabbed Lafayette's hand and dragged him over to a French looking girl. "you playing match maker?" I spun around and smiled. "sure am john! lets find someone for you!" I say. he smiled. "actually I was going to ask you to dance." he says. I felt my face heat up. "I'd love to but I don't know how to." I admit. he looks down at my shoes. I find this strange. "you can stand on my feet." he says. I shake my head. "I don't think-" my body ignored my words. my shoes go on his. I feel my face burn up. we start dancing. I watch everybody else dancing. they're so graceful and I'm not even moving. I look over at alexander and eliza. eliza gives me a thumbs up and Alex is glaring at john. I'd ask him about that later. 

John Laurens X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now