2. I need you.

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A/N: I'll change the covers (for all of my stories) soon.

I don't want to do quotes for this story. Maybe I'll change my mind and add them in later, idk.


At 10:51 AM.

JOHNNY: How u doing Ziegggggggg :)

JOHNNY: Hello?

JOHNNY: Ur back to ignoring me. Great.

JOHNNY: When r u going to figure it out?

JOHNNY: I'm better than Hayden.

KENZIE: Stop texting me!


JOHNNY: I need you.

JOHNNY: I love you.

KENZIE: No. You loved me. Past tense.

KENZIE: Do you not even remember why we broke up?

JOHNNY: That was a mistake. I realize that now.

KENZIE: You had your chance. And you blew it.

KENZIE: Just leave me alone.



A/N: The chapters are so short sorry😷

-132 Words.

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