5. I know it.

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A/N: Doing a spam :)



I logged off of my account, logging into a new one. Kenzie's account, to be specific.

I'm sick of this toxic relationship Hayden and Kenzie have.

They break up every week. Kenzie comes crying to me, and they get back together the next day. It's always the same cycle.

Johnny and Kenzie dated for most of high school, until Nadia came along.

I'm sure I can guess Kenzie's password. 

I type in her username, then attempting several passwords.

'Lily Chee'

Incorrect. Try again.


Incorrect. Try again.


Incorrect. Try again.

I sighed, giving up. There's only one other thing I can think of. And if it really is her password, I'll probably piss my pants from laughing so hard.

'Spongebob is gay.'

Logged in.

I fell off my bed, my face smashing onto my fluffy carpeted floor.

That little-

I'm getting off topic.

I need to get to work.

I scrolled through Kenzie's blocked list.

She's blocked Nadia, some girl named Avery, Brynn, Annie, and Brandon.

I clicked on Johnny's account, unblocking him.

I also made sure to unblock Johnny's spam account.

I smiled in satisfaction, as I logged off of Kenzie's account and got seated on my bed again.

Johnny and Kenzie are meant to be together. I know it.

Mackenzie just needed a little push. And thankfully, I was here to give her it.


A/N: I hate ads so much.

-242 Words.


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