49. "No duh."

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I dressed myself into a pair of light jeans I stole from Maddie's closet. I had a lot of trouble choosing which shirt to wear, but I ended up picking a blank white t-shirt.

I had a kick in my step while walking to Johnny's house. I was really excited, for some weird reason. I felt like something great was going to happen, something life-changing. 

Johnny opened his door before I could even knock, which told me he's been waiting for me for a while now.

He took me up to his room, as I got seated on one of his chairs. I stared at his bed with amusement, remembering the accident he had there.

I chuckled to myself, looking over at Johnny, who was sitting on the chair beside me.

He had his fist into his head, his elbow laying on the chair arm. "I'm bored," he stated.

I nodded, mouthing a 'me too.'

He took his eyes off of his furry floor, and up at me. He narrowed his eyes, just thinking. I stood there, waiting for a while.

After what seemed like forever, he spoke. "Why'd you say no?"

"Huh?" I hummed, shifting in my seat to get into a comfortable position.

"You said no, when I asked you out." His words sounded so soft, coming out of his mouth. He wasn't mad, he was just disappointed. "Why?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "You asked me out for a dare. Is that really how I want to start dating you again?"

"Oh," was all he said. He removed his eyes off of mine, and back to the floor. He chuckled to himself, leaning back into his chair.

He turned his gaze back up at me. "I thought you just... didn't want to go out with me."

I nodded, understandingly. "Well, that too." 

He moved his jaw in a weird pattern, clearly trying to ignore my last comment. 

It's not that I don't want to go out with him again. I do. But I can't just pretend like he never broke my heart, choosing Nadia over me. I've forgiven him for setting up Lauren to seduce Hayden, but I haven't forgiven him for choosing another woman over me.

"You know what, no." He jumped out of his chair, walking over. He was now across from me. "I'm not asking you out for a stupid dare anymore. Kenzie, I want you to be my girlfriend."

I awkwardly scratched my cheek, not even bothering to respond.

Once he realized I wasn't going to respond anytime soon, he spoke himself. "I liked Nadia. I'll admit that. But she wasn't who I thought she was. Mackenzie, I love you. I've always loved you. Can't you just give me another chance?"

A single tear dripped down my eye. I quickly wiped it away, hoping no one saw it. "How do I know you won't do that to me again?"

"Mackenzie," he breathes. He gets closer to my chair. He kneeled down, moving some of my hair behind my ear. "Because I love you."

I chuckled. "That doesn't work on me anymore." 

He sighed, looking down at his kneeling position. He gazed back up at me, slightly parting his lips. His chest has risen, indicating he had taken a deep breath. "You don't understand, Kenzie. When I was with Nadia, she just wasn't as good as you. No girl will ever be as good as you."

I peered at my fumbling hands. He wants me, he really wants me. 

I want him too. It's hard to not jump into his arms right now, but I have too much respect for myself to do that.

"So, I'll try this for the thousand time today. Mackenzie, will you be my girlfriend?"

I sent him a small smile, very slowly getting out of my seat.

"Well, no duh," I chuckled.

He grinned, as I literally jumped into his arms. He placed kisses all over my jaw, as I groaned in pleasure. I pulled back a little, moving back to look at his extremely attractive face. 

"Oh. And Johnny, I love you too."


A/N: I forgot to mention this in the last chapter, but thank you so much for 1k votes and 10k reads!

The rest of the chapters will be posted on the weekend (probably Saturday?).


-727 Words.

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