36. "Run."

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"That's the thing," she retorted. "You had everything to do with it."

I gulped. She knows.

Lauren had been successful in seducing Hayden, and they were planning to go on a date today.

I never actually knew where they were going.

Kenzie offered to go to the coffee shop a little early, today to be exact.

Lauren knew about our special spot, she brought her ex-boyfriend here- William- multiple times.

So I had no idea whether or not she would bring Hayden here.

It would be awkward for Hayden to see me with Kenzie, and for Kenzie to see him with Lauren.

I went to the coffee shop, hoping for the best.

Thankfully, Lauren and Hayden weren't there.

But somehow, Kenzie still figured out my plan.

"How did you know?" I questioned, feeling the uncomfortable atmosphere.

The only reason I came up with that plan was so she could ditch Hayden. And she's probably going to do that now. I mean, he cheated on her.

But I wanted her to come back to me. Now she's angry, and will never forgive me. First I made the mistake of picking Nadia over her, and now I make another mistake. I'm an idiot.

I just wanted to hold her in my arms, to tell her everything was okay. That's what I was planning to do.

I had hoped she would come running to me, telling me Hayden cheated on her and that she wants me back. But things never go my way.

She handed me her phone, as I read the texts. 

Who's 'Unknown'?

It could be Lauren, but she wouldn't expose me like that. I didn't tell anyone besides her, so who could it be?

Maybe Lauren told someone?

I placed the phone on the table, looking up at her.

She was giving me a full-on death glare. "Kenz, I'm sorry-"

"Run," she spoke through gritted teeth.

"What?" I questioned, tilting my head.

"You have 5 seconds to run."

"Kenzie, just let me explain-"


"Give me a minute to talk, please-"


I stayed quiet, slumping into my chair.

Her voice got louder and louder, as she announced "3."

That's when I finally got the hint, and ran for my life.

I ran all the way back home.

My house was only 5 minutes away from the coffee shop, so that wasn't a problem.

Once I got to my room, I jumped on my bed. I sighed, realizing I forgot something.

I forgot my coffee.


A/N: Why are Y'all reading this garbage? I would unpublish the book, but that would be cruel to the readers. 

-403 Words.

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