The End/Thank you.

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A/N: This book was honestly completely trash.

I remember when I was writing 3 stories all at once. I was trying to balance my schedule, and it was hard.

If you didn't understand the epilogue... they're married, they live together, with several children.

The chapters for this book are so short, and that's why there are so many chapters. I finished this book in about 3 weeks.

I just want to say, thank you guys so much for reading this dysfunctional trash!

My stories are always planned, or else I just get writer's block and stop writing, so that's why I finished the book that fast.

This book honestly doesn't mean that much to me. I'm not really proud of it, text stories don't really work for me. Writing stories irl is easier for me, bc I can explain things and stuff.

But I've made it this far, surprisingly!

This story sucked. Go read my other books, they're so much better than this rushed garbage.

Thank you again for reading it this far, and supporting me! You guys don't even know how much I appreciate you guys. You mean the world to me❤️


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