35. Someone.

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(At the coffee shop).

Johnny and I chatted about life for a while. He told me a little about Nadia, and how fake she is.

He flirted a lot, but I tried to keep mine to a minimum. I had to constantly remind myself that I had a boyfriend.

My phone went off with a notification, in the middle of our conversation.

I picked it up, seeing that an unknown number had texted me.




KENZIE: Hello?

KENZIE: Who are you?

UNKNOWN: Someone.

KENZIE: Well, no duh.

UNKNOWN: I mean I want to keep my identity unidentified.

KENZIE: Okay then...

KENZIE: Why are you texting me?

UNKNOWN: To deliver news.

KENZIE: ...News?

UNKNOWN: Yes, news.

KENZIE: What news?

UNKNOWN: {Sends picture of Lauren and Hayden kissing}.

KENZIE: Wtf is this?

UNKNOWN: Johnny asked Lauren to seduce Hayden, so he can get you back :)

KENZIE: He's sitting right in front of me.

UNKNOWN: Oh, I know.

KENZIE: How do I know ur not lying about Johnny telling Lauren to seduce Hayden.

UNKNOWN: Just ask him🤷‍♀️

KENZIE: Srsly, who are you?

KENZIE: Cause ur one fake person.

KENZIE: Ur too much of a coward to actually tell me who you are.

UNKNOWN: Oh, you'll find out sooner or later.

UNKNOWN: Hopefully sooner.

UNKNOWN: But stop taking all of this out on me. Go talk to Johnny





"What is it?" Johnny asked, sipping his coffee.

I took my eyes off of the screen, glaring at him. He looked confused, so I took out the picture of Lauren and Hayden kissing, and handed it to him.

After staring at it with awe for a few seconds, he handed my phone back to me. "Why'd you show me that? I had nothing to do with it," Johnny lied.

"That's the thing," I retorted. "You had everything to do with it."


A/N: Last post for the day? Idrk.

-331 Words.


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