20. "I want her."

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Johnny and I have been texting for around a month.

It's just the typical flirting, and they 'I love you's'. We haven't met up in real life yet.

I hate to admit it, but I've fallen for him again. But the thing is, I still have feelings for Hayden. I'm kind of hoping all of the comments Johnny left on my Instagram posts made Hayden jealous...

I'm a horrible person for doing this. The situation is now even worse, I have feelings for both of them.

Johnny and I can still be friends. I know he wants more, but I don't.

Just thinking of our break-up wants to make me barf.

Just to give you a recap, he sort of cheated on me.

We went to our signature place once, the coffee shop.

Johnny saw this red-headed girl there, and he kept eyeing her weirdly. When I didn't notice, he slipped her his number. And that red-headed girl was Nadia.

He went on a date with her behind my back. An old friend I knew saw it happen, and sent me pictures of those two flirting.

I was heartbroken. I wouldn't get out of the house for a whole week. And Johnny didn't even bother to text me.

Johnny and I dated for most of high school, so I wanted to fix things with him. I didn't want our relationship to go down the drain because of some ginger. Or at least actually break up.

I asked him to meet me at our special spot- the coffee shop.

I told him that I knew he went on a date with Nadia.

I was willing to forgive him. Why? Because I love him.

He completely laughed in my face, saying he was over me. 

He said some pretty nasty things to me.

Just things like 

"Nadia is better."

"She's prettier."

"I don't care about you anymore."

"I want her."

"I don't love you anymore."

I stormed out of the coffee shop, just leaving him there.

Those things really hurt my ego. It decreased my confidence and I've been insecure ever since.

The very next day, he posted a picture on Instagram of him and Nadia, with the caption of 'I'm done with her. It's all you now.'

It took me a while to move on. But that's when I found Hayden. We broke up a lot, but they were just stupid fights. He never actually cheated on me.

Johnny claims he never cheated on me. Saying 'I never kissed her while we were still dating.' BUT YOU WENT ON A DATE WITH HER!

I haven't forgotten all of the horrible things he said. They're engraved onto my brain. They won't just go away. 

And that's why I haven't dated him again.

I feel bad for playing him like this, but he broke my heart. Why can't I break his?


A/N: No texting. Last chapter for the day.

But like seriously, why are you guys reading this story?

It's absolute trash. Go read my other stories! Or stay on this one bc I need views😂

Yk what... read all my stories. That's a better solution :)

-521 Words.


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