34. His glow up.

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I was in the coffee shop, waiting for Johnny.

With all honesty, I was nervous to see him in person for the first time in a whole year.

Mostly because he's gotten a lot hotter. I don't think I'll be able to push him away, if he makes a move.

I'm dating Hayden.

I was seated at a table for two. It was the one we used to sit at all the time. 

I was on my phone, scrolling through Instagram. I looked up from my phone, feeling a familiar presence nearby.

Johnny walked in, locking eyes with me.

They were just as green as they've always been. I trailed down his body, admiring his new features.

He's a lot taller, he clearly has abs now, his muscles can be seen through his shirt too. He had clearly gotten a haircut a couple days ago. His eyebrows were like they always were, nice and thick.

His jawline is a lot sharper. And he just overall looks hotter than he did last year.

He noticed me checking him out, and smirked. I rolled my eyes, as he walked over to his seat.

I placed my phone on the table, turning my full gaze to him.

"Hello," he greeted. He was still smirking, probably because I was still checking him out.

I couldn't help it, he looked so good.

I blinked a few times, trying to take in the fact that I'm actually contemplating whether or not to give him a second chance.


-254 Words.


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