51. Bonus chapter!

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Lauren opened the front door once I knocked on it.

She smiled at me, as I just glared.

I forgave Johnny. I never forgave her. 

I was never really close with Lauren, the first time Johnny and I dated. I don't even know what it's going to be like seeing her so much from now on.

I didn't speak, but instead shoved her out of the way and walked upstairs, to Johnny's room.

I heard her scoff, I turned my head and shot her another dirty look. She awkwardly stared at her shoes, I grinned, knowing I made her nervous.

 Johnny opened his bedroom door before I could even knock, and let me in.

I jumped on his bed, noticing a bag of Doritos on his nightstand. I quickly grabbed it, unsealing the top and shoving a few pieces into my mouth. 

Johnny groaned, wandering his feet to the spot beside me. "Those are mine."

"Too bad," I muffled through the food. 

We spent the rest of the day watching movies, eating– lots and lots of eating. (A/N: I'm proofreading this and noticing how dirty it sounds omg THEY ATE CHIPS, THAT'S IT!) A question popped into my mind, and I couldn't help but say it out loud. "What if you choose Nadia again?" I wondered.

Johnny scoffed. "No. Never." He wrapped his skinny arms around my neck, bringing our bodies closer to each other.

"I don't know that," I muttered. I really don't. I can't pretend like he never hurt me bad. The relationship I had with Hayden was toxic, Johnny was just supposed to just be a distraction, but I fell for him again.

Johnny's sigh was heard. "Mackenzie, if I could choose again, I would choose you."

I looked down at my all-black converse. "But you can't choose again."

"You're right, I can't choose again." He grabbed the sides of my face, comfortably massaging my cheeks with his thumb. "All I have is the present. I love you, that's all that matters."

I don't think I can love him more than I do right now.

I smile, laying my head on his chest.


A/N: Lmao this chapter is short, trashy, and rushed. But I'm lazy asf, so here ya go! I might re-write it, or not idek.

I hate making Lauren mean in every story. I love her, but in all the story idea's that are coming to me, she's not really the 'best friend'.


-403 Words.


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