43. "Totally!"

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"That was fun!" Johnny yelled, jumping onto the white chair. "We should do it again sometime," he smirked.

"Totally!" I screamed, sitting on one of his couches.

We had just gone to the bowling alley nearby. (A/N: U thought I was gonna add smut! Well, you thought wrong. Get outta here ya little nasty's!😂 I'm such a hypocrite omg).

When I first entered his house, it was really awkward. His parents greeted me, and Lauren acted like I wasn't even there.

Johnny suggested we do something fun, so we went bowling. He won the first game, but I won the second.

I hate to admit it, but it was fun. I couldn't help but smile whenever he smiled. His grins are so precious, that's partly what made me fall for him. That, and his eyes.

I've thought about it a lot at the bowling alley, but I think I'm ready to forgive him completely. 

He's been begging for my forgiveness for a while now. I don't want to be friends. I want to date him again. I wouldn't be able to control myself around him.

Dating is really the only decent option. The other choice would be ignoring him, and I don't want to do that.

He was doing something on his phone, so I decided to go on my phone too. I started texting Lily, wanting to tell her about my new feelings.



KENZIE: Heyyyyy can we talk?

LILY: Sure :)

KENZIE: This is going to take a while to write, so just wait a minute.


KENZIE: I've falled for Johnny hard. He's so good looking like omg! I want to date him. I want to date him. I WANT TO DATE HIM! WHEN TF IS HE GOING TO ASK ME OUT ALREADY?!?!

LILY: Damn.

KENZIE: Just gimme advice!

LILY: Tell him about ur feelings.

KENZIE: Bish u crazy?

KENZIE: I can't do that!

LILY: And why not? He likes you, you like him.

LILY: It's as simple as that.


LILY: I'm not crazy.


LILY: I'm not! Stop!


LILY: Stop or I'll block you, I swear😂


LILY: You asked for it😂




I chuckled, placing my phone down and looking towards Johnny. "I'm going to get going."

He took his eyes off of his phone, glancing up at me. "Okay."

I put on my shoes, and grabbed my phone. Johnny got out of his seat, leaving his phone on the couch.

He smiled at me, as I did too.

I couldn't stop looking at his lips. I couldn't help it, I want to taste them.

I grabbed the sides of his neck, smashing his lips onto mine.

He chuckled, grabbing a hold of my waist. 

We kissed for a few minutes, but couldn't seem to stop.

It ended up becoming a 10-minute-long makeout. 

I left after his mom awkwardly walked into the living room.

While wandering home, I realized the mistake I made.

How am I supposed to text him tomorrow after the moment we just had?


A/N: This story is probably ending at 50 chapters, maybe more. Idek.

-535 Words.


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