Chapter 9: Badass Part 2

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—Titania POV——

We couldn't exactly go start to who knows where so we traveled to the next best sources.

"You want us to track them down!" They all said in unison in surprise. If you still don't know who I'm talking about then you really are late. Penelope, Paisley, Grace, Gloria and Samual. I talk..well we talked to them and it was actually nice to see all of them doing well. Sam is still as shy and clumsy as ever. He really needs to be looked after.

All of us are in The Pisces manor.

"Do you really think that it'll work?" Samual asked behind Leon. He like Leon's little brother just like how Adam and him are like siblings as well.

"Of course. With Paisley's and Penelope's Galaxy ribbons, Samual's Eagle eye and Grace's and Gloria's Heaven Horns . This should work. All I'm asking is for you guys to grab their location please." I've never seen a lion beg especially Leon but this is for his sister so him putting his reputation and pride aside to save is the most honorable thing I've ever witnessed.

" We're in!" All the twins agreed while Sam just shook his head in agreement. He finally moved from behind Leon and Leon gave him a pat on the head. Well was about too.

"Nah man! I don't know where that hand has been don't touch me." We were all shocked except for Leon.

" Stop being a bitch. I don't know were your hand has been either. Could have been on Logan's." Leon smirked.


Logan and Samual. I knew it.

"I don't see the problem I low key ship them." Paisley confessed.

***ring ring***

My phone. I pulled it out to see that it was Charlie. I picked it up and all I heard was screaming and a frantic voice calling my name.

"What should I do Ana?" She cried.

"What happened?" I replied.

"Your dad is here and he's saying that he knows that your with the Pieces."

"How the hell does he know that!?"
My heart is beating faster now in fear of what will happen next.

" I don't know but now my dad is fighting your dad in my living room."

"Hold on"

"Ok be safe"

"I will" With that the other line broke and we commence with saving Lea now with her location.

—— Authors POV——

After Titania and Leon found their new found information with the assistance of their friends. Titania and Leon both left to venture out on their new adventure. It was hard at first with Leon not knowing the location so it took a while before they arrived at an abandoned warehouse.

"I think I'm about to shit my pants."  Titania said with a sinking feeling in her stomach. Throughout the whole trip here, Charlotte's word just keep on playing as if it was on loop. What if her dad actually did do this and it wasn't the bitch like she thought. She shook the thought out of her head and went back to focusing on the situation.

Leon was the first to move towards the building. Sounds of muffled screams can be heard from inside.

"GET OF ME OLD MAN!" Leona screamed. That's when Leon lost it.  
Both barged open the door to see two clocked men and one molesting  
Leona. Tears were visible on her small defined cheeks. Her eyes shot opened; hope and happiness was in her ice-blue eyes.

Everything went fast.

Leon sent a punch towards one of the men holding his little sister down. The sound of cracking bones  vibrated throughout the whole warehouse. The one who was molesting Leona tried to sneak up on Leon while he was beating the crap out of the man. Titania saw this an back flipped in the air and hit the man directly in the head cracking his head. He's body went flying towards the other side of the building. He was out cold.

Leona building up the strength in her, punched the last man that was holding her down. Due to the noise more men came flooding in leaving the trio cornered.

Leon turned towards his girlfriend and smirked " First one to knockout fifteen wins."

Titania turned her head and smiled "Your on. Leona what you say?" She said turning to face a smiling lion cub.

" Ready when you guys are and try not to kill them." She reminded.

"No promises little sis." Leon said while running straight towards the group of man. All the men were panicking but stood there ground. Titania rushed towards the hoard as well. Leona was left behind but ran following their lead.

Titania grabbed a man's arm and snapped it in half then used the body to ram straight to another man shooting bullets towards her. Leon snapped a neck then erupted the ground around him into fire. Pain filled screams filled the warehouse once again until it died down. Leona, materialized both of her arms into swords that were on fire. She charged and sliced/ burned three men at the same time.

This lasted for a whole twenty minutes because more men were swarming every time a group was taken down.

"Hah! That's 30." Leona was proud she never got to fight along her brother. She grew to admire Titania more as well.

" That's all! I got 99." Titania boasted and her eye glowed full of adrenaline.

"Both of you guys are weak! I got 200." Leon smirked at both of his favorite girls. They both glared at him before they all teleported back to Leon and Leona's mom.


Thank you for reading. I'll continue to write my first book " Inner Demons" next week Friday with a double upload.




Bye bye my gumdrops😘😘😘😘

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