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"Fine. Get comfy. This will take a while." I tell Natsu. He just stares at me.
"Ok then. First answer me this. Why do you care now?"

"I don't know what you mean." Natsu looks at me confused

"Natsu. I've known you for YEARS and you never even acknowledged my existence until yesterday. So. Why. Now?" I ask sternly and he looks at me blankly

"You have?!" He shouts. "But..."

"Natsu your a dense idiot you know that?!" I slap my head. "Yes. I've known all of you for years. The only one that stuck by my side is Levy. I gave up on gray and Juvia because I couldn't handle being called "a love rival" every time I even glanced at them. Erza is always to busy and Lucy has her own problems to deal with. Then there was you. You never even looked at me. Not even a glance. It's like I was invisible. That hurt Natsu. So much. So I just gave up and left everyone alone." I lean my head on the tree and sigh. The memories of the past hurt but those don't hurt as bad as the others.

"I-I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. I don't know why I never noticed you before." Natsu's voice cracks like he wants to cry.

"Save it Natsu." I snap.
"If anything I should thank you. You helped me not care about people ignoring me. You paved the road natsu. And now it's a road I walk every day." I say rather harshly but it's true.

Natsu looks at me shocked and more hurt than before.

"Natsu if your ready to cry already then you can't handle the rest of the story's I have to tell. They just might break you just like they broke me." I say and grab my backpack. I try to get u but he stops me.

"Please stay. I need to hear this. Now at least I know what I did to you to make you not trust me." Natsu says. I can hear the pain in his voice. Remorse.
I feel another piece of my wall crumble.

"Fine. Just prepare yourself ok?" I look at him and he nods. I can see tears in his eyes but he keeps wiping them away. I didn't think that would affect him so bad.

"Ok Natsu. Here goes." I sit up and look right at him. I have his full attention.
"I've always been alone. The quiet one. The one no one noticed. Well that was the case until high school when I started attracting guys. The wrong ones I might add. Like Laxus. Laxus has been after me for years. When I finally agreed to date him years ago I instantly regretted it. I broke it off right away. He was to pushy and he scared me. Bad. He never accepted it though. Soon after I met a friend of his and me and him fell in love. Well needless to say Laxus was enraged. He tried to break us up but he couldn't. His friends name was Dwayne. Dwayne still saw him as a friend even though Laxus saw him as a enemy now for stealing his girl. No matter how many times I explained that I loved Dwayne and not him he didn't care. One day he set us up. He acted like Dwayne was trying to attack him in public which earned him a ticket to jail. Now since he was considered dangerous I was forbidden to see him. He was taken away to live with another family member. I know we were young but I loved him so much." I start crying and Natsu puts his hand on mine. "After a few months he stopped calling. After he'd been gone a year. I got a call. They told me he killed himself. His note said he couldn't stand the pain of being kept from me anymore." I'm crying so much now I can't even talk.

"Let it out." Natsu says with pain in his voice and he pulls me close to him. Normally I'd fight but today I decided to just go with it. I cry into his neck and wrap my arms around his neck in the process. He wraps his arms around me and gently rocks me. I don't know why but it's soothing.

There goes more of my wall. Crumbling away.

After what seems like a eternity of crying I stop.

Healing ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now