Learning to move on

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They say you can forgive but never forget.

They say that the past makes you stronger.

They say you learn from your past and your mistakes.

They say you should remember your past so you can have a better future.

What they don't say is how long you should hurt before you are able to move on.

They don't say how to let go.

They don't say what to do to help you move on.

They definitely don't tell you what to avoid so you don't have painful flashbacks.

It's Saturday now and I'm in my bed crying my eyes out. Why? Music.

I had a lot of fun yesterday with Natsu. We played like kids and just had a great time. My grandma wouldn't stop teasing me after he left about how I was acting and about how he makes me happy.

But today I decided to play music while cleaning my room up and wouldn't you know it that the depressing songs I have would play? I decided to lay on my bed and just cry. Just cry it out.

Oh baby I'm, missing you.
We used to love so strong tell me where did we go wrong?
Oh baby I'm missing you
They say I'll learn to forget but it sure ain't happened yet.

Skip damn it!

God send me an angel from the heavens above
Send me and angel to heal my broken heart
From being in love
Cause all I do
Is cry
God send me and angel
To wipe the tears from my eyes

Son of a-

I'm done. No more music. No. More. Music.

I toss my phone at the door only to see it land at someone's feet.


"Wow. Talk about a blast from the past. Same scenario but different location." He jokes. I laugh slightly but there's still tears in my eyes.

"Thinking about the past again?" He asks and sits on my bed.

"Yeah. Thanks to music. Man music just hits my emotions like a ton of bricks."

"That's what it's meant to do. Make you feel things."

"Yeah but, have you heard the songs that trigger me? I bet they'd even make you cry!" I say to him and he looks at me seriously.

"Try me."

"Fine. Just keep in mind my past. Remember what I've been through. Heck try to be me when you listen to it. Feel what I feel..."

"Just play the music." He cuts me off and I roll my eyes. I give him my headphones and make a playlist. I play it and give him my phone. I lay back on my bed and grab a book to read that was on my nightstand.

After a while he hands me back my phone and headphones. I look and see he made it to the last song. He looks pained but he hasn't cried that I can tell.

"Well?" I ask

"You sure pick emotional songs that's for sure." He admits

"But they didn't affect you?"

"Oh they affected me but I don't show it. Let's just say now I understand your pain a little better. I now understand how you feel or felt or whatever the case is." He says. He hasn't looked at me the whole time.

I sit up on the bed and crawl over to him. I wrap my arms around him and try to pull him to me but he won't move. I try to crawl around him but he moves. I get off the bed and walk in front of him and again he moves.

Healing ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now