Part 22. Protection.

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I woke up, the only sound in the air being leaves crunching under someone's footsteps. Chen was still carrying me, taking me somewhere unknown, but I didn't care. I knew I was safe if he was with me. So I tightened my hold around his neck and snuggled my head against his shirt. I heard him chuckle softly, and he whispered something.

"Always adorable, jagi." He kissed the top of my head, then continued walking in silence, before more voices could be heard. Someone gasped, and Chen stopped, footsteps heading towards us.

"Is she ok?" It was Luhan.

"Yeah, she's fine, just sleeping. Its a long walk here on human feet."

"Right, right. Well, take her to your part of the den, I guess."

"Luhan, thanks. For being ok with Dec choosing me."

"Well, it isn't the first time a girl rejected me." Luhan walked away, and Chen started moving again. I heard whispers from a short way away, but paid no attention. Chen put me down, on something that felt like a stone floor. I felt him kneel by my legs and undo the rope around my ankles, then he lied down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I finally opened my eyes and looked around. I was inside a smallish, shallow cave, and I was indeed lying on a stone floor. I yawned, having slept on the way here, and turned, to see Chen looking at me, smiling.

"Evening, jagi. Quite an eventful Saturday, don't you think?" He seemed to think this was funny. I pushed him away and stood up, shivering.

"You think this is some sort of joke, Jong Dae!?" I nearly yelled, looking at him as he had now stood up. "I got kidnapped! I could've been killed!" I was shaking, as tears silently rolled down my cheeks. Chen ran up to me and hugged me tight, stroking my hair.

"Hey, hey, shh, its ok." He whispered. "I'm sorry. I was terrified for your safety."

"You were terrified!? I was left alone!!" My voice was muffled by his shirt, yet my words were still clear, just quieter. I started hitting his chest, my hands balled up into fists. "I thought I was going to be killed, or eaten! I thought you wouldn't come for me! Thought you had forgotten me." Chen just let me hit his chest, stroking my hair and not even flinching from my blows.

"I would never forget you, Dec. You're always on my mind. Always. It took a bit of time to rally the others, as they were sleeping, that's why I took so long. And if they hurt you, I was going to make sure they paid for it."

"R-really?" I had calmed down, just holding onto the front of Chen's shirt now.

"Of course, jagiya. And that's why, from now on, I'll be with you all the time. For protection, from Bella and her pack."

"Y-you can't. You have a life."

"My life is soley about you, December, and nothing you can say will change that. I'll be your protection, until I know the threat is gone."

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