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7 years ago

It's dark.

I'm scared.

Someone please help me.

No one will help you.

Who are you?

I'm you except I'm wiser. I know that no one will help you and you won't make it in time.

In time for what?
Hello?! Where did you go?! What am I not going to be in time for?!

Suddenly a light came in front of my eyes and I'm standing inside my familiy's bathroom.

I see my father hunched over the side of the tub pushing something under the water. I can hear the screams and crys of my little sister, except they are muffled by the water and my father's hands.

My eyes go wide and I feel sick to my stomache, but I couldn't move, talk, or even look away from the horrifying sight of my father drowning my sister in the bathtub.

Soon my sister stopped struggling, stopped moving in his hands. He turns around and doesn't even look at me, just grabs the almost empty bottle of whiskey and leaves for the living room.

I walk up to the side of the tub and see my little sister, Hannah, floating there lifelessly in the water. Climbing into the tub and taking her in my arms. It finally starts to sink in that she's dead.

"Hannah wake up. I know father is scary and mean but I need you."


"Wake up."

I give her a little shake, tears starting to prick my eyes.



I hug her cold body tighter to mine and start to cry out in pain.

My mother stomps in and looks at the scene before her in disgust.

"Stop all that useless whining already, and go take that thing outside and put it in the trash where it belongs."

But I didn't stop. I couldn't, I had just lost the most important person in my life and watched her die without so much as a word of objection.

The angry brunette stomped over and slapped me across the face. Hard. It left a red mark soon after.

"I thought I told you to stop?! Don't you dare disobey me or the same thing that happened to that useless thing in your hands will happen to you!" She slapped me again.

I just snapped. I felt so angry at her and that man in the living room who is probably drunk off his ass.

I wished that they could both die a thousand deaths then burn in hell.

But the last thing I remember from that night is seeing fading pictures of my mother being drowned and my father being electrocuted intill he foamed at the mouth and his skin turned black. But I also remember seeing a fleeting image of a man with black hair standing up, glowing red eyes, and a long scarf around his neck flying and rapping around my body, before I blacked out for the last time.

 But I also remember seeing a fleeting image of a man with black hair standing up, glowing red eyes, and a long scarf around his neck flying and rapping around my body, before I blacked out for the last time

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