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Olivia's POV

A shiver runs up my back as I work up the courage to knock on the door. It was oversized so that wasn't helping the fact that I was intimidated. Usually, I wasn't that easily overwhelmed but I think something is wrong with my brain. For some reason, all the easy stuff like meeting someone new or being somewhere new intimidated me more than a life threatening situation.

Right now I'm outside the door of the principle of U.A, the former pro hero Nezu.

I was directed to meet him at his office after I woke up from my coma and came to school. He wanted to talk to me about something and the fact that I didn't know what shook my stomach even more.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I knock on the door 1......2......3 times. After a short moment, I hear I soft but clear voice say "Come on in." I open the door and step inside then take a seat on one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Hello Mrs.Howell, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Yea it's nice to meet you too, principle Nezu."

"Now why dont we get right to business...." thank God I hate small talk. "So I'm very aware that you have been in a coma for a week and your uncle told me that you're not allowed to use your lightening quirk for the time being."

"Wow, glad that you knew my injuries before I even did." I sweatdropped. "Oh! Sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud."

"It's quite alright. I understand. Now back to the topic at hand I have already informed your homeroom teacher of your situation and he will be making sure you don't go overboard during training."

How is a teacher supposed to stop a quirk? I assume Nezu saw the confusion on my face because he started to explain. "Your teacher is the teacher of class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta, better known as the pro hero Eraser Head."

Why does that name sound so familiar? I know he's a pro hero so it's not crazy to assume I've heard it before, but I have a feeling that it meant more than just what it seems.

"Now I'll stop taking up all of your time. Homeroom is almost over so if you don't have any questions you might want to hurry along before class starts. Aizawa will be explaining more to you after your first-period class and during lunch." I nod and make my way out of his office.
After a few minutes of walking the halls, I find class 1-A. And as expected the door is as tall as the ceiling. Class started about 5 minutes ago so I was kinda late, but this Aizawa guy couldn't be to mad right? I mean it was my first day.

I took a deep breath then pushed the door open. Everyone's eyes landed on me except for a kid with white and red hair and a kid with his feet on his desk, he had ash blonde hair.

Suddenly nerves started to come up but I quickly covered them up with a blank/bored expression.

The guy at the front of the class, which I assumed was Aizawa, has long, shaggy black hair with big bags under his eyes. He had what looked like ruffled up scarves around his neck. He definitely looked familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. However all I knew for sure right now my first impression of him was..

He looks like a bum off the street😅. I mentally sweatdropped.

"Oh you must be the new kid. Come up here and introduce your self to the class but make it quick then take a seat, I don't care where." His voice sounded tired, bored, and annoyed all at once.

Without skipping a beat I stepped in front of the class. I scanned the room and saw my best friend in the whole world. Izu-kun. My face softened a little at the sight of my closest friend. His eyes lit up in recognition and a hint of relief and sadness.

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