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Izuku's POV

I'm sitting next to Olivia in our hospital room.

I broke my arm and both my legs because I wasn't able to control One For All. Thanks to Recovery Girl my limbs are healed to the point I can move them.

It's the day after the entrance exam and Olivia is still unconscious. The doctors said she would be in a coma.

None of her bones were broken and she only received minor cuts and scrapes that could be healed with bandages. Her outside injuries were not the problem. It was her inside damage that put her in this coma.

She is suffering from extreme dehydration and her intestines along with her stomach were shocked by her own quirk.

There is a knock at the door.

"Come in."

A female doctor walks in. "Sorry for the intrusion. We have more information on Olivia's condition."

"That's wonderful. Please tell."

"So the test we've run show that the damage to her intestines is treatable, and Olivia should be awake in about a week at most."

"What! But that means she'll miss the first day of school!"

"I'm very sorry but there is nothing we can do. Even if she does wake up before the first day she won't be allowed to use her quirk for a week until she is fully healed. Or else she can cause permanent damage to her internal organs."

"Ok. I understand."

The doctor left the room. I lay back in my bed and just stare at the ceiling.

Olivia why did you have to risk your body for those people? You have never acted like this before. It's kinda bitter sweet actually. You used to only ever protect me and little children but I guess you really are becoming the hero you really want to be. I just wish that didn't involve you getting so hurt.


It's been a week and Olivia is still in her coma. The doctors said she was supposed to wake up by now, but I'm not going to give up and feel sad cause I know that's not what Olivia would've wanted.

I'm standing outside of her hospital. I turn around and start sprinting for the school. I have a new fire to keep alive and I won't let Olivia down by letting this fire die.

By the time I'm at the school I've worked up a little sweat and I'm panting a little. I walk down the tall hallways to my classroom of 1-A with an even taller door.

I'm nervous but I'm sure today will go just fine.

"Come on Izuku! You can do this! I believe in you."

I hear Olivia's voice in my head. I have this feeling in my chest like all my uneasiness just melted away. That's exactly what I needed.

I let out a little laugh.

"Wow. Olivia your in the hospital, in a coma and you still find a way to encourage me. Heh"

With my new found courage I smack both my cheeks and took a deep breath. With my head held high and chest puffed out I push both the doors open, ready to face whatever today has to throw at me.


Olivia's POV

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

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