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3rd person POV

"Hey girls! Come on or else we're gonna be late!" said Uraraka. "Ok!" Everyone that was in the locker room called then started to clear out. After there wasn't any sign of life, Olivia makes her way through the door with her hero costume in hand.

She starts to shed her clothes but suddenly stops to look in the mirror. Running down her back was a river of slash and burn marks. However the vandalism doesn't stop there. The marks go on to litter the tops of her shoulders as well.

Olivia sighs and rolls her eyes at the sight of the scars. "It's better like this. The other girls don't need to see my scars, they'll probably ask questions if they found out." She finishes putting her suit on and takes one last look in the mirror.

"I guess I look good enough." She shrugs then makes her way to Ground Beta.

"Ok young boys and girls! It is now time for me to explain your task!" All Might's voice rang through the students' ears. "Your activity today is called the 'Battle Trails', and in this assignment you all will learn how to fight in enclosed spaces, take on an enemy you know almost nothing about with a set amount of time given, and to work with a partner not of your choosing. As we all should know, heroes must work together with other heroes in virtually any situation. Therefore, all of you must be able to work with anyone at anytime and with swiftness because lives will be on the line, and it will be your duty to protect them." All Might spoke with a calm but serious voice and the atmosphere became tense. Everyone had eyes on him and their full attention, even Olivia.

"Here's how this is going to work. First you'll draw lots to pick teams, then after your teams are all picked I'll explain the rest. Now hurry up and get into lines we don't have all day!" With that all the students started to form two lines, each line in front of a box in All Might's hands.

Olivia's POV

I'm not in a rush so I guess I ended up last in line. When it became my turn in line All Might moved the box out of my reach. "Hold on there young Howell I'm afraid since there is an odd number of people, teams will go a little differently for you. However I will explain that later as well. "

Guess I'll just have to wait then. "Ok whatever you say Sensei."

"Good now that you all have your slots look down at the letter you have and the person with the same letter as you will be your team mate. Hurry up we don't have all day!"

Everyone was in a scramble to get into teams. Not gonna lie, it was a little awkward to just be standing there without a partner. I hope All Might doesn't take me out of the class. If he does I'll be pissed.

Everyone was in their groups and were waiting for All Might to continue. "Now here's where the real instructions come in so pay attention. Inside that building ..." He pointed to the one on our left. " is where your battles will take place. Each team here will go up against each other in a 2v2 match. One team will be heroes and the other will be the villains. What makes the title of villains and heroes so important is that the villains will have information that the hero team does not because the scenario is villains have taken over this building and are hiding inside and, they have a nuclear weapon that could blow up any minute. The hero team's job is to either capture both villains with the capturing tape, I will give you that later, or capture the weapon they have somewhere inside the building and will be most likely guarding. All you have to do to take the weapon is touch it, once you've done that the match is over. The heroes will have 15 minutes to capture or recover the weapon, but the villains will win if they can protect the weapon or capture the heroes in the time limit. Does everyone understand? "

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