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It's been about 2 months now since Uncle Axel started training me in hand-to-hand combat.

And I might I say, IT IS HELL! I mean seriously, he has me running 10 miles before training and 5 miles after.

That's not all, he also makes me bench press like 100 pounds for 5 minutes, and that's not even the training that's the warm up!

The training is I have to spar with grown men from his gang intill I beat them. I have to beat one more guy every day. So like if I beat 2 guys one day the next day I have to beat 3, but one at a time. He'll have my number restart if I don't beat enough guys by the time dinner is made or I lose.

I have restarted about 10 maybe 15 times over the course of these 2 months. I have to be able to beat 15 guys in one day. Just to give you an idea of how strong theses men are, imagine having to fist fight Gray Fulbuster (from Fairytail) 15 times back to back for one day. Yea I know, I feel bad for me too.

Right now I'm fighting my last guy and he's number 14.

"Come Olivia I know you can do better than that! You just have to knock him out cold then you win!"

"*huff* *huff* I'm *huff* trying." I say through gasps of breaths.

"You have 10 minutes or else it's back to square one. Hahaha!"

He's laughing?! While I'm over here busting my ass, he thinks it's funny?! Why I outta...

I'm pissed off right now so instead of focusing on that old man I'll use this anger for something useful. Like winning this fight!

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in as I think of a way to beat my oppentent. I open my eyes and take in his appearance and the information I gained from the fight so far.

Ok so he doesn't appear to be more tired than me and my body is about to give in, so trying to tire him out isn't an option.... He doesn't seem to use his left a lot though. I could use that.

And with that little bit of information I was able to form a plain in my head.

"I'm done waiting for you to attack, villains aren't going to wait for you to put your make-up on little girl!"

He charged at me and raised his right hand for a full blown punch.

Just like I thought.

I smirked."Good thing I look amazing without it."

I side stepped his fist so I was facing the side of his body while he was facing forward with his fist still in outstretched in front of him. Before he could move away, in one fluid motion I grabbed his wrist and the back of his neck then pushed him face down into the concrete of the warehouse we were in, with me ending on his back.

I bent his arm as far as it would go with out breaking, but I noticed he wasn't even making a sound, so I got off of him to look to see what was wrong.....

Well let's just say I may have pushed him a little too hard and he may have a very tiny broken nose... Oops.

"Aww geez I didn't think I pushed him that hard." I rubbed the back of my neck.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* "Well done Liv, I'm proud of you." The old man had a bright smile on his face.

His face soon turns to concern. "W-hat's wrong!? Did I say something?!

"....What?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Your crying!"

I reach up and touch my cheek to find it wet. "I guess I am. Heh. To be fair no one has ever said that to me, but I got to admit....it feels pretty nice." I start to laugh then Uncle Axel joins in too.

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