Left in Cheshire (Larry Stylinson) COMING SOON

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Louis Tomlinson was once in a relationship, not just any relationship, though. Louis was in a BDSM relationship.

Louis found his 'Sir' online and soon moved in with the older lad. Things were absolutely fantastic until Louis fell ill. 

Sir took Louis to the hospital and there, they found out that he was pregnant.

Sir was not too fond of having his pet being pregnant, so one thing led to another and Louis was left in a small town in a place called 'Cheshire'. There, he met an older lady who gave him a home and a job at a bakery. And three months after he was given a nice job at a bakery and a home, Louis met the man he was wanting to marry. 

There was one problem. That man was famous world wide, he just came home for a short, month and a half long visit. That man was Harry Styles.

This is Louis's story on how he fell in love with Harry Styles.

Mpreg, mentions of BDSM, mentions of rape, Famous!Harry, Older!Harry, American!Louis, Younger!Louis, Pregnant!Louis, character death.

Left in Cheshire (Larry Stylinson) MPREG (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now